Along the Path

Lord Saithrhu

March 28, 1964

As our Beloved Saint Germain has endeavored to impress on the consciousness of the chelas, it is imperative that calls be made for the youth of today. The calls which have already been given are bearing fruit in many fields of endeavor, but we must have young people who will be consciously trained in the rudiments of the Spiritual Law. When these youngsters are brought into the Bridge Groups, or under the supervision of even one chela who is versed in the teaching which we release through this avenue of instruction, I believe, in the majority of cases, you will be amazed at the spiritual development which is theirs. All that is required to fan the Spark into a Flame is gentle, understanding guidance in the true way of life. They must not be restrained in constructive endeavor and be given a code of 'thou shalt not', but lovingly and cheerfully be made to understand God's Way of Life for them while they are guests upon this planet.

Taking the old and true adage 'like attracts like', these young people who will accept the instruction given them will be magnets to attract others in their age groups. When you find one or more who awaken to the Truth in their outer consciousness, We will have made a great inroad into correcting any unfortunate activities in which the young - the hope of the future - are presently engaged. These Youth Groups are not something of the future; they are a PRIME REQUISITE - NOW!

Blessed and beloved Guardian Spirits, who came to this planet to assist in her redemption, think, think, think about that which I AM endeavoring to impress upon your consciousness this very hour! Some will say 'That is not my category of service. In my advanced age I do not come in contact with the youth of today!' The 'advanced' is just a part of your concept of yourself.  Those who can be young in spirit - and all can - who will set aside the accepted pattern of age which has been set up through the centuries, can bring in lifestreams who will be interested in listening, and then applying the instruction which you can give them. By the very radiation of illumined understanding and tolerant love they will be attracted to you. Once you have gained their confidence, you will find that you have advanced pupils who have been waiting for this Spiritual guidance.

I come particularly today to bring to your attention the fact that the training of the youth is not something of the future, but to stir you into action to be about the Father's business RIGHT NOW! Beloved Saint Germain has brought this to your attention again and again these many years... Whatever the avenue of service in which you are now engaged, please... set some time aside for the youth.

With the intense Light, which is increasing daily, and will continue to do so, the inner bodies of the entire Earth... are being bathed in the Essence of Divinity. However, the majority of lifestreams embodied here are experiencing turbulent conditions in their beings and worlds. Why have we stressed all these years the constant use of the Violet Transmuting Flame, except for the purification of the vehicles of all humankind and all the evolutions of this Earth?

Had this blessed activity of Divine Alchemy been used constantly for all life, much more of the unredeemed karma of the peoples on the planet today would not be expressing in conditions of distress. When one encounters imperfect manifestations in their own families or others, do not dwell upon them. To the very best of your ability, accept and use the Violet Transmuting Flame to clean up the imperfection which is brought to your attention.

You love the Ascended Master Saint Germain, of course; but it is time you actively expressed that love by using his gift of the Violet Flame, which is an integral part of His Own Being. Consciously know that, in this Age of Freedom, a tremendous momentum has been built by loyal chelas. The action can be instantaneous, if coupled with the FAITH which propels it into action. If one does not have faith in that in which he is engaged, manifestation does not occur. You may think you have faith, but until you can let go of the 'ifs' and 'buts', that faith is not expressing in its fullness.

Faith is not a half-way measure. You can be sure of that. Faith is a component of the First Ray. In order for the Will of God to express, faith must precede the activity. You have faith in the changing of the seasons, and in the light of the sun. Even though one does not see the sunlight every day, you know the reality of its presence. Each and every individual, through the immortal Victorious Three-Fold Flame, carries the quality of faith within them. That faith in the constructive activities which we point out to you is ever-present, just waiting to be called into action through the knowing feeling of the truth of the Divine Alchemy of the Violet Transmuting Flame. The time is drawing nigh when Perfection must be expressed in its fullness upon this planet.

I have been referred to as THE GREAT DIVINE DIRECTOR! Truly, each of you, when you can fully realize and accept that the Christ within is the Directing Intelligence of your beings, and allow that Christ full freedom to express through you, will be a 'Great Divine Director'. It is actually a synonym for the Presence of God within your heart - the Holy Christ Self.

I wish to relieve you of any tension or condemnation of the self for what 'might have been'. With all the FAITH OF MY BEING, I now direct the Legions at my Command to blaze and blaze and blaze the Violet Transmuting Flame through your beings and worlds, and all the peoples on this planet. If you can and will accept, through your faith in this Activity, the purification which is to take place today, I assure you that you will be reborn, through just KNOWING and ACCEPTING that the Violet Flame is one of the greatest gifts which could be brought to you this day - your freedom from all limitation! I AM in great anticipation of your grateful acceptance and love.

Lord Saithrhu

Manu of the Seventh Root Race





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