Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

Lord Maitreya

December 1992

Beloved Chelas,

I greet you today from Shamballa¾blessed, blessed Shamballa, the great Spiritual Heart Center of this planet.

The Shamballa Letters have given some very helpful instruction this year about the Body of Lightthat vast network of embodied lifestreams, whose energies and efforts act as the redeeming influence for all life upon the planet Earth. This is a very great privilegeas well as a tremendous responsibilityfor all members who are a part of this network. Every cell within it has a specific and vital function to perform. In order for the Body of Light to accomplish its purpose, all of its cells, organs and systems must work together, even while performing very diverse activities. The purpose of the Body of Light is the complete and perfect fulfillment of the Divine Plan, the raising of humanity into the Light of Christ Consciousness.

Shamballa serves as the Heart Center of this Body of Light. To clarify this for you, I would like you to think for a moment about the importance of the heart to your physical body. The heart is not large, nor is it particularly complex. Yet, it is the strongest and most muscular of all the organs in your body, and it works without ceasing. The heart receives depleted blood, diverts it to the lungs for purification and enrichment, and then pumps the essential, life-giving fluid to all parts of the body. If the heart stops beating, there is no life force to support the body.

As the Heart Center of the Body of Light for the planet, Shamballa also seems neither large nor complex. It acts, however, in the same capacity as the Three-fold Flame of the Christ in your physical hearts. It perceives the existence of misqualified energy, and makes the calls to the Realms of Light for the transmutation required. It then sends this purified energy out as light! This Light is the lifeblood of the planet! Shamballa was established by the Spiritual Hierarchy and the God Parents to be the Heart Center of the Body of Light because the consciousness of every cellevery chelais strong! Your God Parents and the Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet Earth have faith in you, each one. The time is NOW for you to have faith in yourselves!

At inner levels, each one of Our chelas chose, and was accepted, to act as a viable cell in this great Heart Center. You were accepted because you have the ability and the desire to work in an unceasing, rhythmic fashion to transmute and transmit God's Holy Energy for the benefit of all life on our dear Earth. To assist you as you stand behind the veil of human consciousness, your ascended Brothers and Sisters come to you, bringing the gifts of their consciousness, strength, light and love. You, in turn, bear these gifts to your fellowman.

During the year now coming to a close, you have received a tremendous expansion of consciousness in the form of Divine Principle, which has been laid at your feet by your Brothers and Sisters in the Octaves of Light. It is time for you to use these gifts rhythmically and consistently in your daily lives.

I AM called Teacher of Teachers, and I have brought Others to this high calling. However, before I could become an effective teacher, I first had to prove myself to be an able student! This did not entail merely reading through the lessons offered. I had to put those lessons to practical application again and again, until the principles involved had become inseparable elements of my consciousness.

To assist you in mastery of the principles offered, I would like to recommend a training tool which I, myself, have used, as a student. Begin a personal Spiritual Journal. Start your Journal by reviewing and listing the lessons which have been offered to you in the past twelve months. Assess your own progress in each area, and then exert the effort necessary to consciously put the principles into practice every day. Use your Journal on an ongoing basis, to record your successes and your challenges.

We are now entering the final seven-year cycle of this century. I cannot put into words the importance of the work to be done during this period. While it is not my intent to place you under pressure, I must tell you that there is no time to waste. Do not cling to vestiges of human consciousness at the expense of Divine Principle! In your daily lives, every detail is important. All negative thoughts, words or deeds must be transmuted whenever they occur. You have been given the tools, and the time is at hand when we must use them to build Saint Germain's Golden Era of Freedom.

During the coming twelve months, you will be offered many opportunities to accelerate your personal progress in the Realms of Light. These opportunities will require diligent adherence to Divine Principle and consistent application of the Sacred Fire. Do not permit yourself to fear growth! You have been told that you will never be given more than you can handle. Know now that you will also never be offered less than you can fulfill!

I love you, dear chelas! I AM grateful for the Light of God which burns within your hearts, blazing upward to merge with our Light, and outward to bless and heal this dear Earth. You have been told that there is no separation in the Light. I tell you now, with all of my great Love for humanity, that all is Light, for Light is ALL. There is no separation whatsoever! We are ONEand for the privilege of this unity, I kneel at your side before the Great Altar of Life!


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The Great Beings from the Sun Temples whose radiation and outpouring we will receive during this period:

BELOVED ZARATHUSTRA-          November 22 through December 21

Spirit of Fire and Enthusiasm.

His Temple is the home of the Salamanders and Fire Elements.


BELOVED MINERVA-              December 22 through January 19

Discrimination, Discretion, Perception and Intuition.



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