
In the name of the Beloved Presence of God I AM in us and the Beloved Holy Christ Selves of us and all humanity, we open the Chalice of our consciousness to Thee!

We invoke the full power and blessings of the great Angelic Host, the seven mighty Elohim, the Holy Triumvirate at Shamballa, and all great Beings and Powers of Light concerned with the evolution of life upon the Earth.

Combine your energies with ours to bring forth the strength, understanding and love necessary to balance the Heart Flame of this planet! Oh beloved Ones, we raise our consciousness to Thee and join as ONE! We are truly your Divine representatives here in the world of form.

We especially call upon the Galactic Archangel of Restoration to assist us now and forever! At this very moment we claim our divine heritage and ask that you charge each of us with your transcendent currents of Light, until we collectively become the living example of your work on this physical plane... the restoration of Divinity in form, vibration, and consciousness... the oneness of all life. On behalf of all humankind we so decree it and accept it done!

As God's most Holy Name, I AM!




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