Sanctuary Address

Beloved Sanat Kumara

December 15, 1991

Beloved Ones,

I have long awaited this day. We are nearing the end of a year filled with many lessons learned and many rewards received. The great love and joy I feel within at the strides you have taken this year cannot be put into words. I can only say that I foresee many splendid steps forward this next year for those of you who have taken responsibility for your actions.

I want to share a visualization with you at this time. I feel it will assist in your future development and act as preparation for my message to you today. Gently close your eyes and concentrate upon your heart center, that point of Light within from which you receive all that you require for your existence. Feel the life force flowing through your body with every beat of your heart. See your sacred Threefold Flame blazing at the very center of your being. Now let us take a few moments to focus upon each flame individually.

Visualize the vibrant Blue Flame of Power, which is your authority from the One Universal Source of All Life, sustaining your very being in this world. This power grows and strengthens with your every heartbeat. Feel this activity coursing through your body, protecting you and renewing your faith in the perfection of all things. Concentrate upon this flame for a few moments.

Now turn your attention to the Golden Flame of God Illumination. This mighty Light blazes forth, awakening you to Light and Truth. As you receive an intensification of this Flame, the gift of spiritual discernment is given. From this time forth you will be ever watchful for opportunities to share with others, confident that you have the discernment and patience necessary to do this work.

As you concentrate upon the Golden Flame, it joins with the Blue Flame. Now, spiraling outward from their center, you see the Pink Flame of pure, Divine Love. This love comes straight from the very Heart of God, and is completely unconditional and perfect. See this radiant Flame surrounding and enfolding the Blue and Gold Flames as they now unite, becoming the perfectly balanced Immortal Threefold Flame of Life within your heart. Observe this activity. Etch it firmly upon the screen of your mind. Realize that you may draw it forth at any time and step within its center. Know from this time forth that this flame is the perfect peace that you so desire.

As you receive this knowledge, I ask you to now enter your own immortal Threefold Flame. At this very moment, experience the rhythm of this Flame. Receive all the gifts and blessings from God with every heartbeat, which is the POWER OF GOD manifest within the Flame. Expand these gifts and blessings for all life with every heartbeat, which is the WISDOM OF GOD manifest within the Flame. Project these unlimited gifts and blessings to all Life, with every heartbeat, which is the LOVE OF GOD fully manifest within this Flame.

Remember always that this is your life and your work.

There is no other work to be done by a chela of the Light. Each one of Us in the octaves of Light has followed this same path to our own ascension. By bringing these truths into everything with which you are involved, you will develop your mastery! You will victoriously accomplish that which you seek for yourself and for all life; full Freedom in the Light!

Just as you have a sacred Threefold Flame at your heart center, so does your planet Earth. Its purpose is no different from yours or mine. As chelas, you are all aware I now speak of my beloved Shamballa. The instructions of the Ascended Masters are compiled here. Our teachings are then put into a form acceptable to all who desire this knowledge. Finally, the information is distributed in the various ways necessary so that all who seek will find the assistance they need to walk further on their own individual paths toward mastery.

This sacred Flame blazes upon the altar in the Temple at Shamballa for all to see. It is protected and nourished by many great Beings, Powers and Legions of Light so that it can sustain the very existence of your entire planet. I ask you now, won't you join us to protect and nourish this sacred Focus? Won't you assist in every way possible, each one of you, to sustain the work that is done through Shamballa and other focuses of Light to expand the Kingdom of our Father-Mother God? At this moment let all life - angels, elementals, ascended Beings, and humankind- combine their heart flames as one, and bring forth the New Age of Spiritual Freedom asked of us by my beloved brother Saint Germain!

On behalf of all life,

I AM Sanat Kumara





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