Along the Path

 Mother Mary

February 5, 1954

Each of you has developed, over the ages and through the centuries, certain momentums that make you conductors for specific qualities that represent the nature of God. These momentums are your individual and voluntary gifts to life. They are the treasures stored up in Heaven. They are that part of you which we can use to externalize our work and service in the world of form. They are the ONLY part of any lifestream with which we are concerned. It is our desire at all times to emphasize and externalize more and more of the nature of God through the "leaven" in the individual lifestream. This "leaven" may be Faith, Purity, Peace, Happiness, or it may be a momentum of teaching or healing. These examples are just to give you a "bird's-eye" picture, you might say, of the way we in the Hierarchy work in drawing around ourselves certain lifestreams who we feel can best serve the Divine Plan in co-operation with our life. We then endeavor to connect our energies with these individuals through whatever means are at hand.

We connect our energies with humanity by Radiation, through the contemplation by your blessed selves in thinking upon our Presence. We also connect our Radiation with your consciousness through the spoken word at the rare intervals when life allows us this privilege. In every instance, every Perfected Being who lives within the Kingdom, contacts unascended beings solely to expand the borders of the Kingdom; to expand the Radiation of perfection and to draw more Light and more of the God gifts into this world of form; into the psychic and astral realm which forms the atmosphere of your planet.

My service to life has been connected with the creation of the heart through which the Sacred Fire is focused into the physical appearance world, giving identity and beings a personality for a time. It is an interesting service that perhaps can be elaborated upon. You use it yourselves in this Activity to create a heart-center, made up of living cells... living intelligent beings having free will. However, this is different from the heart made up of Intelligent Energy sworn to obedience, which is the physical heart of an individual.

When the lifestream is given the grant of securing a new Earth body, and when the Lords of Karma have passed on it, that lifestream is drawn into my Temple. Together, we look over the substance and energy which the soul has used¾oh! perhaps through eons of time. This is the personal heritage endowed by nature to that soul to form the envelope in which it must function.

As I have said before, we endeavor first to fashionfrom that elemental substancethe heart, which is the chalice for the Immortal Threefold Flame of Life. The heart cells in the physical body are the most highly developed of the elemental substances that make up the physical form because, in the course of their service to life, they require more resistance and more durability, in order to stand the beat which gives life to the physical body. Therefore, from among all the elemental substance which will form the flesh garment, the most highly developed electrons are used in the heart. These are drawn into the body of the prospective mother and become part of the flesh of her form, even before conception takes place. Then, through that marvelous intelligence of the Builders of Form, the heart cells belonging to the new soul are segregated from the body of the mother, always discarding the substance which is of the parent. In this way, the substance which is of the new soul makes this exquisite chalice enfolding the Three-fold Flame of Life.

It is such a beautiful, mathematical and scientifically accurate process that I would love to show you in pictures on a screen, the precision with which the Builders of Form magnetize the substance belonging to the incoming soul, and cast off again, again, and again ONE CELL OUT OF EVERY TWO until this heart is formed.

In EXACTLY the same measure and manner, the cells that are to form the spiritual heart of a community, a Movement, a great nation, a planet, a Universe or a galaxy, are selected from the lifestreams who have developed the greatest endurance and the greatest purity! These have earned through ages of time the privilege and honor of forming the canopy of protection around the Sacred Fire which is to be drawn forth and expanded for the blessing of the masses.

From the great body of humankind, there are not available too many cells that can be used for a spiritual heart. From within the spiritually attuned and elect, We find seven distinct types of individual momentums and consciousness which could be utilized in the seven ganglionic centers of the Spiritual Body of the Christ. These people respond to the impetus of a New Activity. They know that they are destined, you might say, to become a part of some vital organ in a current endeavor, whether it be a World Movement or a local political activity. In that response they sometimes apply for a position within the heart, although they belong to another center. The same spiritual segregation goes on constantly, drawing in the heart cells, purifying them, fitting them one by one into their perfect place. Then, endeavoring harmoniously, if possible, to draw the other cells into their own vital organism.

This is the Activity in which you are engaged today, beloved ones. More or less, you are the substance being formed by the Hands and Hearts of Intelligences greater than your own. In this great scheme of things, each one has his or her perfect place. We, who can see, have designed so carefully the creation of the Spiritual Heart. This will be the supplier of the energies to vitalize this great Spiritual Body that is to be the Cosmic Christ of the future, made up of every one of the ten billion souls destined to incarnate and develop mastery on the planet.

The creation of a heart is the most crucial point in the creation of a physical organization. It requires tremendous  application upon the part of each and every lifestream who has been "summoned" by the Law, and who has been even loosely fitted into the design.

In the physical body, ifat the time of gestationthe cells that are to form the seven great centers might not polarize properly, for some reason or other, or are not held within their orbit perfectly, you have a physical instrument of incarnation that is defective in one or many ways.

The spiritual sortingwherein every lifestream takes his perfect place and abides thereinis essential before We can expand the endeavor to raise and redeem the masses and purify all discordantly qualified functions in the spiritual body of the race.

We are in a secret and sacred time; a time when I, myself, remembering my own experience, suggest that you ponder these things in your heart. Pray on them, ask the grace of your own Christ Self to illumine them to you, and then strain not, but endeavor to be the best cell that you can in your appointed place!

The Beloved Mother Mary






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