
Sitting comfortably in your favorite chair, having completed the business of the day, you wish to enter the peace and silence of the hour. Having intensified your Mantle of Light and purified yourself of any negativity of the day, you look at the sunset. Within it, you see a dazzling Violet Light, like nothing you have ever seen before.

Concentrating upon this Light, you close your eyes and breathe gently. In your mind's eye, you now see the source of this Light. Within the etheric realm of the planet, there is a magnificent circular Temple, made entirely of pure Amethyst. It sparkles and sends brilliant rays of Light to all the corners of the earth as a beacon to all who see it. On the top of the domed Temple you see a beautiful figure. You recognize her as beloved Holy Amethyst. Within your heart, you feel her greeting you, urging you to move forward and enter the Temple, as its doors swing wide in welcome. Immediately, you feel the great love of Holy Amethyst, as a mighty rush of Violet Fire, completely surrounding every fiber of your being. You stand centered within this Love, and are bathed in its warm, purifying Light.

Looking to the center of the Temple, you see the altar before you with a Flame of Violet Fire blazing from its center. You are unnoticed by any of the beings within the Temple as they silently go about their work. Observing them for a few moments you know that there are no need for words here. They communicate on a different level. You feel their love for one another, and the total harmony and peace which abides within the great walls of this sacred place.

Noticing the beautiful deep royal purple robes each one wears, you suddenly realize these beings are the Priests and Priestesses of the Order of Zadkiel. They continually invoke, sustain, and project the very essence of the Violet Fire to the Earth.

Your attention is drawn to one individual standing before the altar. You realize that it is Archangel Zadkiel, and he turns to greet and welcome you. As he does so, you realize that you are now clothed in a beautiful purple robe like the others are wearing.

At this moment, something is awakened within you. You know you have been here, and done this work before. You belong to this great Order, and you know that you are welcomed home by all the beings there. Feeling a happiness you have not felt in a long, long time, you recognize and reminisce with the others in attendance. After a time the realization strikes you that you know some of these beings, not as priests and priestesses but rather as family, friends, and business associates. Some of them are people with whom you work upon the surface of the planet, and they, too, recognize you.

Nothing is said, but you each take this knowledge with you as you prepare to leave the Temple. As you walk through the door and step outside, you see the sun - as it prepares to awaken the people on the surface of your planet. Saying good-bye to one another, and feeling enveloped in peace and happiness, you close your eyes. Upon opening them, you are back where your journey began, feeling deeply grateful for the insight you have received.









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