
Gently close your eyes as you prepare to travel upon the Bridge to Spiritual Freedom. Breathe deeply, drawing your glorious Mantle of Light about youfeeling Its substance enfolding you with a great Blessing from your Presence. Now, step into the Violet Flame, which blazes before you. Absorbing Its purifying essence to the very center of your Being, become One with the Flame. Now, as you open your eyes, you see a magnificent marble Temple before you. For a moment, you stand in awe of its mighty beauty.

The peace you feel surrounding the Temple draws you gently toward the entrance. Upon entering the Temple, you are met by several Beings of the First Ray, who lead you further into this great Sanctuary. All the cares of the day fall easily from your shoulders, and the full momentum of God's Divine Will, Protection, and Faith flow through your emotional, mental, etheric, and physical bodies. You feel the desire to do only God's Will, assisting in removing all imperfection from the consciousness of humanity. With new found strength, you proceed toward the golden doors that await you at the end of the corridor.

As you pass through the doors, you find yourself in a spacious library. Books surround you, filling shelves which reach from floor to ceiling. Immediately you realize that the second Temple has been guarded and protected over the centuries, and that all the knowledge of the universe is at your command. Taking time to browse through several of the books, you become aware of many things. You know that you must receive the illumination available here, and the wisdom necessary to share what you have learned with all those who are seeking Truth. Finding yourself drawn to a particular book upon a shelf, you reach up to take it. As you do, a brilliant golden light fills the room, surrounding you with its substance. Slowly the light subsides, and when you can see clearly once more, your hand is resting upon the handle of a door, which is carved with a beautiful fleur-de-lis. Pausing only for a moment, you gently open the door.  

Entering into the third Temple, you stand within the center of a grand hall, with the Flame of the Third Ray blazing before you. It blazes ever higher as you walk toward the altar. You realize that Beloved Lady Rowena now walks beside you. Closing your eyes and stepping into the Flameall veils of maya are stripped from your vision, and you realize the exquisite beauty of the Love of the Father-Mother God for you, and for all life. You promise to love all life free, opening yourself as a chalice to be filled with the gifts of joy in service.  

Filled with happiness, you once again open your eyes, and as you step forth from the Flame of Love, the Goddess of Liberty stands before you in all her majesty and splendor. She welcomes you into her Temple, enfolding you in her gratitude for your service to life, for the Flame of Liberty now burns brightly at your heart center, perfectly balanced in the Faith, Illumination, and Love that you have received this day.  

She asks that you assist all humankind to break the bonds of limitation that bind them, helping them to walk forward toward their ascension in the Light. Although your every desire is to stay with her, you know that the work remains upon the Earth, and you must return.

In reverence, you prepare to leave, and Beloved Liberty raises her torch high, looking to the day when all humanity are ascended and free. Stepping back through the door, you find yourself at the point where you began your journey.









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