Invocation for October 1990

In the Name of the Beloved Presence of God "I AM" and the Holy Christ Selves of all humanity, we make this call: beloved Ĉolus, Cosmic Holy Spirit, and beloved Maha Chohan Paul, Holy Spirit to our dear Planet Earth; be with us now, as we invite and invoke your Divine Representatives of God's Love, beloved Lady Nada and beloved Lady Rowena, to be with us as we extend our gratitude to You for your service to the people of Earth.

Enfold every person and all life within the Radiance of Your Presence, as we seek to be as you are! Fill us with the essence of Divine Love, and help us to experience that Love in such a way that we are able to extend it to all life within our individual spheres of influence!

We especially ask that you fill the Beings and worlds of all children, youth, and young people on the Planet with the Sacred Elixir of Divine Love, so that they may fulfill their Divine Plans perfectly. Surround their parents, guardians, and teachers with this Essence, as well, that they may provide the environments and instructions which will enable all of the children to fully express the gifts which they have brought from the inner realms.

May we, too, know how we may help to bring forth Beloved Saint Germain's Golden Age upon our Earth, through the highest gift of Godwhich is Divine Love!

Knowing that this, and our every call to Light, is heard and instantly answered, we Thank You!

As God's Most Holy Name, "I AM"!






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