Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

Sunday, June 2, 1989


ELECTRONIC PATTERN: A Dove of Soft Pink Iridescent Light surrounded with an aureole of the Rainbow Rays.

HOLY ÆOLUS, Cosmic Holy Spirit:

As Cosmic Holy Spirit, I represent the Feeling Nature of God as expressed within this Universe. My beloved son, Paul, as Maha Chohan for the Earth, was prepared over many embodiments to assume this office. Needless to say, he is never apart from my Consciousness, nor I from his, as he holds the God Feelings within steady balance for all the elemental life within the Planet Earth.

Within this Activity of Light, the importance of visualization has been expressed many times. The importance of Right Words, and of Right Pictures is so very important to Right Manifestation. I wish to give you a picture of myself and of my beloved son... one that you can paint on the screens of your minds and refer to within your periods of contemplation as you desire.

See me, please, as a pulsating sphere of Pure Light... Light which is giving forth the rainbow hues that are always present within pure Light.

Within the sphere, picture the Dove of Pink Light that is associated with the Divine Love and Comfort of Holy Spirit.

See the Maha Chohan, seated within a pure white lotus of shimmering Light, again with the soft pink radiance emanating from it. He is in deep meditation, magnetizing the qualities of Love and Comfort from the Sphere of Light, and radiating it forth to all elemental life within the Planet Earth.

Now for a moment, I ask you to realize your connection with the elemental kingdoms of the Earth. Through the four lower vehicles, each lifestream is connected with these kingdoms; the earth, the air, the water and the fire. Acting as a chela... a spiritually conscious person... you can connect your consciousness with the Maha Chohan, magnetizing Perfection into your four lower vehicles. As you call forth and picture perfection for your four lower vehicles, this perfection is given the opportunity to manifest within your body, mind, emotions and etheric consciousness.

It is then possible to expand and project this healing process... this awareness to all Life! It is all-encompassing!  

The last portion of the picture I wish to paint is for you to see yourself as the Awakened Christ... the Golden Man within the Petals of your own Three-fold Flame, magnetizing the Light of Love and Comfort from the Maha Chohan and radiating it forth to all life within your sphere of influence.

As the awakened Christ you have become, realize that your sphere of influence is far wider than you many have first imagined. Receive this. Be assured that I have truly called you to be a Presence of the Christ, and be assured that I am never absent from you...   not ever!  It would be an impossibility, for “I AM that I AM”... everywhere present, all encompassing and all knowing.

My beloved children, you are each a point of consciousness sent forth from the Great God of the Universe to act as his representative wherever you find yourself. I AM the Cosmic Holy Spirit, and the beloved Maha Chohan rests always within this consciousness for this dear Planet Earth. Call upon us! Know that every force of Light within the Universe is truly at the beck and call of any unascended lifestreams who offer their service unto it. You are welcome! Welcome within the Realms of Light always. To dwell there at all times is the test of human life.

I bless you with all the Love and Comfort of my Being, as you continue to reach up with your hands, your minds and your hearts, to form a Bridge over which all life may walk into the Light.

Call! "I AM THAT I AM", and I will always answer!

Æolus, Cosmic Holy Spirit





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