Gratitude to Saint Germain

Beloved Saint Germain, Friend of Freedom Divine, we lift our hearts up to you, filled with gratitude and thanksgiving for all you give to as and to all humankind.

We know there are many who as yet know not of your great gifts to our Earth, and it is our prayer that we, your chelas, may be among those who build the Bridge to the Spiritual Freedom of your New Age of Perfection.

As the New Age of Spiritual Freedom dawns more fully in the consciousness of all humanity, may we hold your banner aloft, and be named among your friends of Freedom, wherever we may be!

We know that this requires that we must give as we receive - to all life, especially of the Qualities of Mercy and Forgiveness. We especially thank you for giving us this understanding; for within the Qualities of Mercy and Forgiveness lie the Freedom that all humankind desire.

As we become ever more adept in our use of the Sacred Transmuting Flame, we offer you our eternal love and gratitude for showing us the Path of Fire, and for walking it beside us!


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Invocation - August 1989

To Beloved Saint Germain

By the authority of the Infinite Source of all Light and Life, the Presence of God "I AM" within our hearts", do we make this call.

Angels of the Violet Fire, descend through the ethers now and blaze the Sacred Flames in, through and around our Beings! Purify our consciousness with the Transmuting Flames, that we may clearly receive the instructions and teachings of the Great Beings of the Seventh Ray to our Earth.

Gracious Master Saint Germain, with all the love of our hearts, we invoke your Radiant Presence to come and be with us now, as we offer ourselves anew to be the Bearers of the Flame of Freedom to our dear Earth.

As developing priests and priestesses of the Violet Fire, we ask that we might remain within your Aura as we learn to be ever fuller expressions of Spiritual Freedom to all life.

We bow in reverence before your great example to the people of Earth as our Friend of Freedom, and we seek to be yourself in Action, offering all the gifts of Spiritual Freedom to those we meet upon our path.

We thank you! SO BE IT! BELOVED "I AM"!






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