
By the Power and Authority of the Beloved Presence of God "I AM" in me, and the Holy Christ Selves within the hearts of all my brothers and sisters in the Human Family - I make this call:

To Beloved Lady Portia, Goddess of Justice and Mercy COME NOW, Oh, Beloved One, and be with us in thy Luminous Presence. Guide us into an ever-deepening awareness of the great opportunity that is presented to us now, and assist us in the expansion of True Justice and Mercy within our worlds. May we keep our eyes upon the Serenity of your Presence, and feel your Love enfolding us as we move ever forward in the Light.

As well, we invite and invoke the Radiant Presence of Beloved Lady Sophia, Goddess of the Sun beyond the Sun. As thy seeds of Love stir within the hearts and minds of the children of Earth, may we awaken to the Eternal Sunrise of thy Holy Light, rising within our consciousness.

Oh, Blessed Ones! We hold our chalices high, and offer you our love and gratitude for your great Outpouring of Light and Life, on behalf, of all life upon our Planet. We are truly grateful! We thank You!




In the Name of the Presence of God "I AM" within my heart and the hearts of all humankind, we call forth the Powers of Justice and Mercy to become the Ruling Presence in our lives.

We decree that Divine Justice come forth now, giving us the opportunity to balance all debts to life we have ever created, knowingly or unknowingly. As this energy returns to us for redemption, we invoke the sacred blessing of God's Mercy to assist us. Help us to realize and accept the quality of Divine Mercy that always accompanies justice, knowing that as we show Mercy, so do we receive it.

Beloved Lady Portia, we ask for thy assistance as we make this decree.

As we move forward in our work, we ask that we may always express gratitude to the Divine Source, of all life "I AM", for the conscious realization of the Path that is opened before us.

So be it, Beloved "I AM"!