Now is the Hour for Application

The Yearly Purification of Humanity

Holy Æolus

December 1965

In the Retreats and ancient Sanctuaries when an individual was taken from the world and accepted on probation, as soon as he or she was assigned to his proper quarters the Mystic Bath and Purification took place; although it was symbolized by the bathing of the physical body in water, there was always present at such a time an individual who was a Master of the Power of Invocation and Concentration of the Sacred Fire of Purification.

The art of drawing this Fourth Dimension activity and regulating its power and efficacy according to the direction of the Higher Self of the neophyte knowing the full karmic accumulation also know that certain strengths and potential powers may best be developed through the meeting and overcoming of these karmic restrictions. But there is also a great deal of accumulation which would make an unnecessary hardship upon the aspiring soul, and at the time of initiation this Flame, drawn, focused and sustained by the Master Presence, releases the neophyte of this unnecessary accumulation, always created with a motive in which there was no harmful intent.

The karmic creations in which a definitely designed motive of harmful intent formed the core and cause are not within the compass of the Mercy Flame when focused by an Intelligence separate from the one receiving the benefits of the purification. When the neophyte, however, comes to a point where he is instructed in the use of the Flame of Purification he alone can invoke the Sacred Fire through that karma created through willful misuse of life.

It is this same activity which takes place at the close of each year for the entire human race within the Halls of the Great Lords of Karma, and duplicates the activity of the Retreat for every person who has had embodiment for even one hour in the closing year. But the same Law and line of demarcation is effect, and only the discord caused by blundering and not conscious intent, can be mitigated in this manner.

If it was not for this yearly purification, humanity within seven years would destroy their bodies, minds and possible useful service for the incarnation. Where it is said that humankind could not live beyond a seven year span without the intervention and assistance of the Masters of Wisdom, this returning momentum, purified by the Lords of Karma is one of the most potent reason within that statement.

In a small measure it performs the same service that every soul is blessed by at the close of embodiment, when the individual soul is released of karma of that entire life which was created more through ignorance and stupidity than conscious intent to have discord.

Karmic retributions which must be handled by the lifestream are always that particular recoil of energy which the individual consciously sent out to destroy. In some instances where an individual who does not know of the use of the Sacred Fire of Purification, but who has a true heart desire to correct his way of living and the mistakes which he has made in the past, another lifestream desiring to render assistance can do so, but this is only permitted when the intent of the recipient is carefully studied and acquiescence given by the Karmic Board.

This will probably enlighten the chela who has wondered why, after continued calls on another’s behalf, the desired healing or purification has not taken place. It is only when the momentum of these calls is joined by prayer or acts of kindness on the part of the individual who was originally responsible for the willful misuse of God's Energy that the purified effect is manifest.

All other karmic accumulations are constantly being wiped from the race, through the calls which are being made by sincere chelas for all humanity, and by the yearly purification, and at the close of the Earth life, and pass into the sea of forgetfulness.


The Great Beings from the Sun Temples whose radiation and outpouring we will receive during this period

Beloved Goddess of Liberty -- September 23rd through October 22nd

A Focus of Liberty and Freedom to this Earth

Beloved Victory -- October 23rd through November 21st

Radiation and Power of the Momentum of Victory and Accomplishment






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