Summer Conference

Lady Kwan Yin

July 15, 1988

Dear Family of Chelas, I greet you with my Love.

The Gifts I bring to the Earth from the Higher Realms are Mercy and Compassion. These are gifts from God that you, too, may give... to your fellow traveler, and to all Life.

Through Mercy, the Grace and the Love of God there have been individuals whose service to the people of Earth included the translation of God's Plan through their consciousness in such a way that others were enabled to understand it with more clarity. This is a very important service, because understanding so often precedes acceptance. You, dear chelas, are among those who have taken a great responsibility to serve in this manner.

Through the ages I have been called "The Goddess of the Household". What exactly does "the Household" mean to you? Of course, all will agree that the members of your immediate family are "the Household", and that is correct in the outer representation. However, today I want to emphasize your inner "Household". The individual members of this household are your four lower vehicles. In order for you to serve in ever higher capacities, it is very important that your four lower vehicles be purified and balanced, so that they may serve in unison.

You have been given the opportunity to use the Violet Fire to transmute all negativity and discord into perfection and balance. I humbly counsel you, dear ones, to use, use, use the Violet Transmuting Flame to accomplish that which must be done to achieve this.

Realize that the Members of our Focus, as well as all the Spiritual Hierarchy, are always happy to serve in this manner, and Grateful for your requests. All that is required is that you direct your attention to any of us, and the return current will bring the assistance that you may require.

As your attention is upon our Focus at Beijing, please accept the enfolding and ever-expanding Love and Mercy that is available there.


“I AM” Kwan Yin






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