Use of the Ascension Flame

Serapis Bey

April 1959

Beloved Friends, seeking the way toward eternal freedom, it is my privilege and my honor to bring to you some of the buoyancy of that Ascension Flame; that Flame which is constantly rising from the Earth as a ladder of Light and Energy, upon which, when any man, woman or child is treading, he or she may ascend into Perfection, the Realm of Divinity from whence they came.

Of what is this Ascension Flame composed? It is composed of the magnetic powers that were drawn by Beings who volunteered when the Earth first came into being, to stay upon the Earth and to magnetize that Light as a ladder in the atmosphere upon which those who were ready might ascend. It is composed then of the powers of invocation and magnetization by many Priesthoods in every Golden Age that has been. That Ascension Flame is composed also of the ascending energies of all the prayers and decrees and fiats, all the invocations, and aspirations of every lifestream upon this planet Earth. It is gathered up by the Brothers and Sisters of the Ascension Temple and by the Silent Watchers of all the various nations upon this planet - that energy is gathered up and becomes part of the Ascension Flame.

The Ascension Flame is therefore, like all the Flames and Rays, dual in activity. It is the descending conscious stream of energy from the Godhead which is drawn and sustained upon the surface of this Earth through the self-conscious cooperation of the Brotherhood at Luxor; and it is also ascending energy of the humanity of Earth, the Angelic Host imprisoned here, and all of Life that is aspiring upwards.

Within this Ascension Flame is the record of every Ascension that has taken place upon this Planet Earth. That is why it is such a happy Flame.

The Ascension Flame is Intelligent, beloved ones, and I have loved it long and loved it well. It can ascend any condition in which you find yourself. It can ascend that condition from limitation into harmony, from distress into peace, from poverty into opulence, from discord into perfection. It is one of the activities of Divine Alchemy which the student body, for the most part, has not thought about using.

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The Ascension Flame can multiply substance and give physical nourishment to great numbers of people. It is practical and it is for your use! We have stayed within the confined of the Earth's atmosphere and guarded It. Now ASCEND the substance of EVERYTHING in your worlds EVERYWHERE! Use the Ascension Flame to raise all substance and energy into greater Purity, Harmony and Perfection.

Serapis Bey






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