Now is the Hour for Application

Maha Chohan

August 1966


What forms the qualifying power of energy? The Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame of God, be it anchored within the Heart of Cosmic, Ascended Beings, Devas, Angels or man. Energy follows the direction of the Flame of self-conscious life. It does not discriminate. The quality of energy is the result of the direction of the consciousness.

Every bit of energy that any lifestream has drawn forth must be accounted for. So it is of great importance, the manner in which man directs his energy, and that is one of the main reasons We stress the importance of bending the knee in humility before the Christ Presence within, allowing that Directing Intelligence control of the energy which is so freely used by the human.

At this crucial hour in the history of the Planet, humankind is facing the return of its own energy, with great rapidity. When one realizes this energy is the God-power, the motivating power of all action, which has been distorted by human qualification, he most gratefully and happily welcomes the opportunity to 'make things right'.

The intelligent use of the Sacred Fire of Transmutation has been mercifully presented for your use, and the illumined chela with all the determination to do good for the remainder of his sojourn upon the Earth, does not bemoan the fact that 'unpleasant' conditions present themselves in his world, but without allowing them to become 'imbedded' in his consciousness, he wields the Power of Transmutation or Purification, first having made sure that he is not doing this from the standpoint of the outer consciousness, but intelligently placing his lower vehicles at the feet of the Indwelling Presence.

When one battles his energy on its return wave, he just repels it temporarily, and it will remain in his own aura until it can be LOVED Free!

Take for instance a child in his formative years who is learning at his mother's knee, It is her LOVE which is the Teacher, and the youngster will return again and again for assistance in the little 'problems' which beset him.

You, my children, have been returning again and again to the "Mother Love" within, or to the Heart of One of us who have gone before. While we shall continue to assist and answer your pleas, you have not reached the state of maturity, where you should instantly wield the God Power to correct any and all conditions of imperfection, which, of course are the result of misqualified energy.

The time will come, too, when your consciousness will be that of the Christ, and you will be able WITH A FLASH OF GOD QUALIFIED ENERGY to instantly correct the imperfect conditions in the world of others. It will not be a case of returning to God Within to render the service, but you will be God-in-Action and the direction of energy will be a source of great happiness, for you, having corrected your own mistakes, will serve as ONE with the Spiritual Hierarchy in the forward evolution of the Planet. We live but to serve, and so shall you!

Maha Chohan





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