
By the Beloved Maha Chohan

As we come to the close of the twelve-month cycle, all of those who represent the Spiritual Hierarchy are gathered at Shamballa, and here we celebrate a Cosmic Thanksgiving in which every one of the Brothers is a participant. The great Audience Chamber is open for the Festivity and the evening before your national holiday (Thanksgiving - U.S.A.) and for four days and nights thereafter, there is a constant outpouring of blessing upon every electron, elemental, animal, human, Angelic, Deva, Ascended Master and Cosmic Being who have consciously or unconsciously contributed to the forward progress of the race.

This Flame of Thanksgiving has gone forth rhythmically since the day when the thirty Beings knelt before the Coming of their Lord, Sanat Kumara, and it has built in power.

One of the most exquisite ways of preparing for the Christmas Season individually is for each lifestream to consciously and earnestly prepare his own ceremony of Thanksgiving and, officiating upon the Altar of his own Christ Temple, invite into the Presence of his own God Flame all of the life that has served him during the twelve months that have passed and, through a special blessing and benediction, confer upon that life the added substance of his own Christ Nature.

This ceremony will show each man how rich he is in the blessings that have filled his world through the channels in every kingdom-natural, human and Divine. In such an activity, no bitterness or discontent can live. Also, every Master to whom the individual extends an invitation to his ceremony, will respond and enter into the Sanctuary of the heart where such a Thanksgiving is being celebrated; and this visitation, alone, will bring a return of spiritual blessings far beyond the comprehension of the outer man, for the individual effort involved in preparing such a Thanksgiving Service to Life.

Maha Chohan

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The Ascension is not so much a "mystic" experience as it is a scientific one. In the beginning, electronic light (which is the actual Intelligent Body of God) took a vow of obedience to respond to and become that which any of God's children directed it to become. Therefore, the very electrons which compose the atoms of the inner and physical vehicles of the individual, vibrate at the speed at which the self-conscious intelligence has directed them to do. The slower their vibrations, the more vulnerable do these atoms become to like vibrations which fill the lower atmosphere of Earth. The quicker their vibration, the more sensitive and receptive they become to the grace and perfection of the Higher Realms.








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