New Year Conference

Master Kuthumi

December 31, 1987

Beloved Ones, the Cosmic Tone for the year has sounded. What does that mean? The Theme for the year has sounded its Cosmic Tone, giving Humanity the OPPORTUNITY to do that which is his Divine Plan.

Now I wish you to travel in consciousness to the Rocky Mountain Retreat and see there the Master of the Scroll holding the Dispensations for 1987 ready to be absorbed into the Sacred Fire. And the Angels of the Scroll present you with a new scroll, and as it is unfurled before your eyes you know in consciousness what is expected of you in the coming year. It has been recorded in your consciousness that which you must achieve in the coming year to bring forth the Divine Plan. The Divine Plan not only for you personally, but for the entire Planet and all her evolutions. We are anxious to give you all the assistance possible to help you to fulfill that edict.

I would like you to visualize the Planet Earth as a blazing globe of crystal Light, and in its center the pure Light of Divine Love - of a beautiful rose colored Light - and around its periphery see the golden Light of God Illumination going forth. And it shall enter the hearts of all humankind and expand that Light. And to you, dear ones, who are the teachers of men, We hope that you will give us your assistance. Around the globe I wish you to also see the hands of all the Nations of the World joined together forming a complete circle. May this sweet Planet be filled with Peace, Harmony, Divine Love, and all the attributes of the Godhead. See and feel yourself to be a part of that circle of the human family, opening your hands and your heart to your fellow travelers all over the World. Let all around you know of your love and your determination and enthusiasm to see the Will of God manifest on Earth - through silent radiation and EXAMPLE. Be an EXAMPLE of that which you teach. We freely give you our hearts love and our GRATITUDE for being willing to assist us.

The presence of the Angels is of tremendous importance at any time, but particularly at this hour when many are concentrating on the Angelic Host. They sing, and fill the atmosphere with beautiful melodies of Light, and Love, which radiates through the hearts of all humanity. Join them in consciousness and KNOW that the tone of your being, that Sacred Tone which God has placed within your being, can radiate harmoniously with the Angelic Choirs, if you remain centered in the CHRIST WITHIN. Harmony and Love are wonderful attributes. Love is ALL THERE is, as you well know, for love contains all the qualities and all the virtues of the Godhead. LOVE IS ALL THERE IS - it is as simple as that.

"I AM" offering you an OPPORTUNITY. The Brothers of the Golden Robe at our Focus are very, very grateful for your service to the Light last year, and they ask you to come, in consciousness, to our beautiful Focus - for it is a beautiful Focus of Golden Light that completely encircles the Earth. All you have to do, any time in this coming year, is to ASK. The call compels the answer, and you will feel that Golden Light descend and be a mantle of protection about you. We love you dearly, and patiently await your calls for our assistance. We love you dearly as we love all life. Take advantage of this OPPORTUNITY - this year of OPPORTUNITY -  to fulfill the Divine Plan. I know that you have been given many instructions through the closing year, and you have done very well. We are deeply, deeply grateful, and it is our sincere desire that you manifest your portion of the Divine Plan for this year, Nineteen hundred and Eighty Eight. In your conscious mind just KNOW that you are an important part - one cell only, mind you - but an IMPORTANT PART in the great overall Cosmic Scheme.

Every tone, every word, every thought, every radiation that goes forth from your being carries a musical tone of discord or harmony. Let it be a HARMONIOUS tone, My dear ones, and you shall go forward in the Light.. I promise you, for I know. We of the Spiritual Hierarchy know that we can trust you, but should you deviate from your allotted tone just remember there is a Law of Forgiveness - a Merciful Law of Forgiveness. Join your hands and your hearts in LOVE and go forth to bless this dear Earth and she shall take her rightful place in the Divine Scheme of Things.

I love you, and I bless you, and I AM grateful for your presence here.






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