New Year Conference

Lady Hygeia

December 31, 1987

Blazing Cathedrals of Living Light, I bow to that Light and acknowledge with love and gratitude the assistance that you, personally, have given to Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus, and all the other sponsors of this closing year, in lifting the vibration of your Earth Star into the vibrational forcefield of the Planet Venus. You have responded with great sensitivity to the beckoning of Lady Venus, and the Angelic Choir sing praise and gratitude for your sincere efforts.

I would like you now, to turn your attention to the Seasons of each year, and the Service of the Elemental Kingdom during each period.

At Spring time great HOPE rises in the feeling worlds of man - he sees the crocus rising from the bosom of Mother Earth. Later, as the warm rays of the Sun bless the elemental, and it is further nourished by the gentle rain from Heaven, we see the opening petals, as it follows the pattern set for it. It accepts its opportunity to evolve. TIME follows, and man and elemental are blessed by its gentle presence.

Then the Deva Raja summons it to return to the Kingdom for a period of rest and, further teachings to expand its beauty.

Season after season runs its course, and sometimes it requires many, many seasons for the elemental to reach its zenith - and remain in the School of Perfection in order to further advance - and be a Teacher of other Elementals.

Man can learn so much from the Progress of the Elemental, for his vehicles are composed of the same elements. The Gnomes, Undines, Sylphs and Salamanders all the elementals in man's being must be purified to express PERFECTION, for he is given an Earth garment to become THE CHRIST - and is required to take embodiment after embodiment until he can be the outpicturing on Earth of his individual Divine Plan, for which he receives his opportunity to come forth and serve in union with his fellow traveler. Then he attains the ULTIMATE and remains in the Heavenly Realms serving under those who are the Essence of Light - the GLORIOUS PERFECTION FOR ALL, blessing and expanding and serving the LIGHT of the SUPREME SOURCE -EVERYWHERE.

Let there be many, many windows in your soul that the Light may shine from your very being to bless all life. Let there be many windows in your soul that the BEAUTY OF THE UNIVERSE may glorify you. Let there be many windows in your soul that TRUTH, in all its FULLNESS, may enter and abide within you.

Claim your VICTORY IN THE LIGHT, this very day. CLAIM your birthright of Radiant Health this very day. Victory is yours, and yours, and yours.

Enfolding you in the LOVE and LIGHT of HEAVEN, I bless you and I thank you for your service to the LIGHT.

Lady Hygeia



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