Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

June 1988


ELECTRONIC PATTERN: The Chela embraced in the dazzling delicate Pink Petals of The Rose of Grace - with a radiation of Soft Pink as the Christ is expanded from Within.

Æolus:   The Spirit of Grace

My so loved chelas, I come this day bringing you the feeling of the Spirit of Grace, that so little understood Quality, which embodies beauty, holiness, mercy and many other attributes, and which should be coupled with the feeling of gratitude - of thanksgiving.

It has been said that "Grace" is an endowed Quality, but I tell you it is a beautiful sight to witness the chelas ‘growing in Grace’. True, all God Qualities are within the Flaming Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame, and in that sense "Grace" is endowed upon the children of The Father- Mother God, but few individuals there are who are the manifest examples of Grace in all they do. To give gratitude unto the One Supreme Source for all blessings received, for the blessing of Life itself, is to be enfolded in the Spirit of Grace and that which one IS or BECOMES radiates to the Over-all Presence of Life.

Think a moment on 'thanksgiving'. When an individual's heart releases the essence of gratitude, he is immediately giving praise or love for same benefaction. Since all Good is the Essence of Spirituality, there flows from the individual a paean of praise which immediately contributes, or adds, to the over-all momentum of the Spirit of the One Supreme Source of all there is, and that exultation traverses the Universe.

The Hierarchy and all Foci representing the Virtues of God diffuse that specific radiation to a Planet which draws and holds the Focus of every Grace. Were there no life or Guardian Beings who pledge to draw these Foci of Light, Life and Virtue, the Planet would return to nothingness through disintegration.

Upon the Planet Earth, as is the case of all Planets of the System, Guardian Beings since the beginning of life upon the Planet have drawn and kept the Virtues active through rhythmic pulsation, nourishing the inner bodies of the unconscious lifestreams upon the various Planets, and as humanity evolved, the lifestreams themselves developed the invocative powers of these Foci in the Universe.

In order for the Virtues to become more intensified, the demand must come from humanity themselves, and then the natural radiation of Grace, as is the Quality in mention, becomes a more powerful and potent force in the lives of the inhabitants of the Planet. This instruction has been released to you in similar form before, but because of the necessity of the hour, it is expedient that it again be brought to your attention.

We are aware that the Godhead is a Fountain of Perfection, through which flows all the beneficent Qualities or Virtues. There could be no Quality if the Life Energy were not present, for the Quality of Energy ever pulsating, charged with the predominant feeling of the Godhead.

The Cosmic "I AM" Presence, the Cosmic Beings, and the Ascended Masters all contribute to the Qualities by consciously, and constantly, setting the Life Energy of the Universe into motion. Thus is the Universal Light Substance drawn into action by the Perfected Beings for the betterment of the Universe and those of humankind who choose to avail themselves of these concentrated Virtues. It is the responsibility of the chelas who have been bathed and constantly enfolded in the Virtues of The Father-Mother God, through the conscious volunteering of the Perfected Beings, to dispense the Virtues of God to all their fellowmen, in the hope that the chelas would become radiating centers at all times of these required Qualities.

This is not just a request on my part, this is an Edict of the Spiritual Hierarchy, for the chelas who have received so magnanimously of these Blessings are now required to be Foci of the Virtues of God wherever they move.

Some individuals are developed along a certain phase of God Perfection, others along another. Use the momentum of the Quality which you know is predominant in your lifestream to bless all life, at the same time invoking your own "I AM" Presence to give you assistance in developing those Virtues which require energizing in your lifestream. This leaves the door open for those of us who are dispensing centers for the God Virtues, to assist you by contributing our Feeling and the very Essence of the Quality itself.

When you follow the practice of blessing life with the Virtue which is active in your being, you will be amazed at the way this clears the path for the other God Virtues to flow into, and become part of your lifestream.

I would remind you that this cannot be accomplished through effort of human will.... the little self must surrender itself to The Christ within, and let that Holy One be the directing Intelligence of your being.

Let all the chelas realize the meaning of Spiritual Thanksgiving and be grateful to their Source for the Blessings so lavishly showered upon them.

I personally, shall most gratefully bow before the Father-Mother God for the conscious communion which I have with my so loved chelas and which shall continue in intensity, for the love which they so generously pour forth to my humble Self.

God bless you, and thank you.


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Father's Day                                Sunday, June 19th


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