Invocation to

Beloved Amida Buddha and Beloved Kwan Yin

We, the chelas of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom make this call from the Center of the Three-fold Flame in the hearts of all humanity!

We invite and invoke a mighty Ray of Light from the Heart of the Great Solar Silence - the Sacred Presence of the Amida Buddha in the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light!  

Come now. Breathe into us thy Perfect Light! Enfold us in the Radiance of thy Heart Flame, until our consciousness is purified enabling us to reflect thy Perfection into the world of form.  

As well, we invite and invoke the Presence of thy Beloved Bodhisattva, Kwan Yin. Through her Perfected attention upon thee, upon thy Light and thy Love, may we draw forth the Qualities of Mercy, Compassion and Transmutation - the Protection of the Violet Fire, and direct them into every family on Earth!  

Through the use of the Rituals of Sacred Fire, may the true Spiritual understanding of "Family" be revealed and reinstated into all family life - both personal, community, worldwide and universal!  

Through her Great Radiation into all life on Planet Earth, may we learn to radiate forth the Harmony of our True Beings, working in full partnership with our Ascended Family of Light!  


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“I AM” Free

In the name of the most high living God which "I AM" anchored within my heart and the hearts of all humanity I invoke the purifying Flames of Mercy and Compassion to saturate my four lower vehicles to dissolve the cause and core of all conditions contrary to the mighty Perfection of my own Holy Christ Self.

My emotional body, releasing all discontent and fear now basks in the renewed expressions of hope and everlasting peace.

My mental body, no longer bound by distorted thoughts of self importance is free to accept the direction of my higher self.

My etheric body, no longer plagued by memories of past injustice and mistakes records the many blessings I receive every minute of my existence.

My physical body reflects the harmony of my inner being and from within the temple expands my Holy Christ Self I walk into the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light and "I AM" Free, "I AM" Free, "I AM" Free (3X) and I accept this Freedom for all Life on this Planet as the Son of God which "I AM".