Assimilation and Expansion Service

Lady Donna Grace

June 5, 1988

Good Morning, Beloved Ones. Welcome into the embrace of the Holy Trinity here, and especially the Cosmic Holy Spirit, whose Focus is in the ethers above this Sanctuary.

Speaking of a Focus; people ask so many times..."Where is that retreat? Where is that Focus? Where is this one?..." well, it is right that they should know! It is easier for them to tune in during the specific period that it is open to the chelas.  

Beloved ones, the Focus of Beloved Donna Grace is within your hearts. All lifestreams that come into Being have a Focus of the Holy Spirit... the Christ within, in their hearts. It is the Christ within you, each and every one, and in all life, which shall expand and expand, and I believe now that you feel the Focus in your own Being, so the Christ Light has expanded. This Focus in every one on the Planet is embraced today by the Love of the Cosmic Holy Spirit, and of All the Spiritual Hierarchy, for within you is the Christ, and the Christ is growing to full stature... slowly but surely.

Remember, Dear Ones, love always your fellowman, your fellow traveler. Honor and revere the Christ within him, because in the Oneness of Being, we know that the Christ is within everyone. If we did not have the Christ within, or the Breath of the Holy Spirit, we would cease to be. Let every man know through your radiation that you love him! You do not have to say a word. Just keep loving all life, and you will receive and dispense the Grace of the Holy Spirit, and of all of us. I particularly extend my individual blessing to you this day, as you give honor to my Presence. The Grace of the Holy Spirit, the Grace of the Holy Mother Mary, and All who have gone before, and who shall come in the future will always be within your heart. You just have to realize it... to know that "I AM the Christ in Action!" the Christ is the embodiment which you are representing at this time. You will always have that feeling... it never will leave you, as long as you revere and respect the Christ within.

Bless all humanity at all times through the Presence of the Focus of Infinite Light and Boundless Grace. The Christ within is the Temple... the Temple of the Holy Spirit. It is the Temple which you are honoring during this period.  

Know that each and every One of us in Heaven's Realms will bless all of you, and all life, with the Grace of the Holy Spirit. I AM so privileged to have the honor at this time to bless you with that beautiful Pink Light... that glowing warm Light of Donna Grace, which I AM privileged to be called.

Love one another, Love all life! We have told you this time and time again... but being human, you need to be reminded. There are few upon this Planet... I say, few, who know the meaning of the Christ within, and the Love which flows from that Christ to all. Please know that all through this period when my Focus is honored, you are honoring the Christ within. As you pass by your fellow traveler, feel... without even saying a word, that glorious Light, that essence of Grace, is flowing from you to them. Without their knowing why, they will feel better, mentally and physically. They will feel better because they will know that something is taking place, as the Light of the Cosmic Christ flows from your very Being.  

I want to tell you at this time that your sustained use of the Thoughtform and Theme that was given to you this year has assisted tremendously in the expansion of the Christ within your hearts... not only your own hearts, but the hearts of all humankind.  

We do bless you and honor the life within you, knowing that you will go forward into ever greater Light during this particular season, and that this will continue as you honor and bless The Christ within each one!

Thank You.

Donna Grace

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The Great Beings from the Sun Temples whose radiation and outpouring we will receive during this period:

 Beloved Vista -- July 1st through July 22nd

All the Power of Concentration and Power of Consecration  

Beloved Apollo --July 23rd through August 22nd

Temple of Royalty, Courtesy, Dignity and of Princely Charm


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