New Year Conference

Lady Donna Grace

January 1st, 1988

To each and every one of you who are present physically and spiritually... may the coming year be filled with Grace.

In the Eternal Now we enter a new cycle, a new beginning, a new opportunity, a New Year, a year to be filled with the Grace of the Father/Mother God.

God's Boundless Grace and Boundless Truth is open to ALL. Open the gates of your heart, open the windows of your soul, that the Limitless Flow of God's Grace may flow in, through and around you, that you may spread health and happiness and harmony in ever expanding circles of Light. Health and happiness and harmony are VERY CONTAGIOUS, so spread these wonderful virtues of the Godhead and banish all that is less than the Perfection of "I AM".

BECOME the CHRIST -- GROWN to FULL STATURE. The Kingdom of Heaven is WITHIN. The Holy Christ Self is WITHIN. I will raise you, on the Wings of Grace as you dwell in the Christ.

The STAR acknowledges you; that glorious STAR that heralded the birth of the Master Jesus when he came to Earth as the Great Exemplar of THE CHRIST, that self same Star, which shines forth from your skies as part of the Constellation known to you as "THE EAGLE" - that radiant Star now shining over the manger in your Heart, acknowledges you, and its shining Light Eternal is reflected in your Soul. The Three Great Masters from the East acknowledge your awakening, and if you will allow them to do so, They will guide and protect you that you fall not into sleep. The Father/Mother God holds you in the Palm of the Hand, enfolded in my Rose Petals of Grace.

We have waited long for this moment in the Eternal Now, for you, my precious child, have found the Pathway Home, and we will nourish you, every footstep of the way back into the Paradise of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light -The Pure Land of the Immaculate Concept and Divine Grace.

As the bell tolled throughout the Realms of Heaven, signaling the New Year on Earth, a magnificent canvas was placed before you on which to paint that which your Inner Being desires to manifest through you in the coming year. Allow THE CHRIST TO PAINT THAT PICTURE.

"I AM" but One Aspect of the Divine Mother, and my Love for you is Boundless as I hold you, The Awakened Christ, embraced in the Petals of my Rose of Grace.

What I do for you, I do for the Children of God EVERYWHERE, in his Supreme Name. FOREVER.

Donna Grace






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