Summer Conference


July 13, 1987

Good Morning. Thank you, Fire Spirits of the Almighty, and be grateful, oh so grateful, to our Ascended Master Saint Germain who brought the knowledge of the use of the Violet Fire to this Earth. You cannot comprehend what that knowledge has done to forward the progress of all evolutions. You cannot comprehend what a tremendous service Saint Germain performed in managing to release this knowledge through to humankind. You know, and many different Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy have told you THE VIOLET FIRE WILL PURIFY THE EARTH AND READY HER TO TAKE HER RIGHTFUL PLACE IN THIS SYSTEM OF WORLDS. This shall be accomplished as you continue to use the Violet Fire with rhythm, with constancy, and with Love.

The application of the Violet Fire can be made audibly, or silently, and as you walk forward in your Mantle of Light remember that you have, at all times, the Violet Fire coursing through your being. RECOGNIZE IT, AND KNOW that that Fire the Violet Fire of Freedom's Love is purifying and purifying the planet.

How grateful all life should be for the Violet Fire, and for the conscious knowledge of its application by so many children of Earth. It is a MIGHTY PURIFICATION, and those who have returned to the planet recently are indeed BLESSED for as your decrees go forth these children shall know and remember. As you are purified, so is all life for your energy goes forth from you at all times to either add to or detract from the perfection that is the Will of God.

Let your energy go forth to BLESS OTHERS. Be conscious of your own release of energy and qualify it TO BLESS OTHERS. We all know that that which we send out in thought, word, or deed, returns to us, gathering momentums the momentum of everyone it has touched. The gratitude in your heart, for your own knowledge of the use of the Violet Fire, and the free will to bring about your own purification, should be so tremendous that you would bow your head and thank that glorious Master, our Lord and King the Ascended Master Saint Germain.

So remember daily, that as you have stated audibly - YOU ARE PILLARS OF VIOLET FIRE - "I AM" A PILLAR OF VIOLET FIRE - remember that, remember that - PILLARS OF THE VIOLET FIRE, sending forth that blazing purifying LIGHT to ALL LIFE. How grateful "I AM" for your service - your ENTHUSIASTIC SERVICE - in the use of The Violet Fire. You know how I, as One Cell in the Body of God, feel about ENTHUSIASM. ENTHUSIASM is something that GOD has given to me in abundance - the Supreme Source has ALLOWED ME to channel that Radiation along with the knowledge of the Violet Fire to this planet, and indeed everybody will know, when they are Ascended and Free, how blessed they have been to know and understand the Blessed Violet Fire of Freedom's Love... so saying, I raise my hands and I confer a Blessing of the Violet Fire of Freedom's Love upon each one of you, and those you love, and to all life, and may you go forth and amplify your own use of the Violet Fire. Thank you.












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