Summer Conference

Lord Ling

July 18, 1987

I come to you with a JOY that will not fade, a LIGHT that will not die, a HOPE that will not pass, a TRUTH that will remain with you throughout all the dramas of earthly life, for "I AM" JOY, and at my approach sorrow is instantly transmuted, for what you have sown in tears you shall reap in joy.

If you would be truly joyful I counsel you to be patient to adversity, be serene in disappointment, and be humble in moments of shining achievement, avoiding extremes and living a simple, humble life free from all pretense for JOY is not an occasional emotional experience, it is a personal relationship with GOD and is your very strength.

Acknowledge the Divine Fire that burns on the Altar of your Heart a wondrous Divine Flame without smoke. It shines in the heart in all its luminosity and glory as the Deity manifesting in all your activities, resting in Supreme Harmony and Joy. Without that Divine Fire you would know no life, and as man THINKETH in his HEART, so is he. Absorb this thought and let JOY and HAPPINESS, and LAUGHTER dwell within the case of the Heart, and radiate out to bless all life with buoyancy and joyful love, for you will surely find that at the root of all things is JOY. JOY is the mainstream of radiant health, so let Joy be in your Heart, and let Joy be in your eyes.

Think always of joyful things feel joyful feelings be a JOYFUL PRESENCE and let your Presence be a buoyant healing force to lift all life you contact from despair into delight, lifting all stumbling blocks into stepping stones into the LIGHT OF "I AM". In Truth, the fruit of the Spirit is joy.

BE POSITIVE. Break down the walls of negative thought, and make for yourselves PALACES OF JOY and PEACE and TRUTH wherein you will dwell with the Christ and find deliverance from all sorrow. Bend to the Great Law, and Eternal Truth and Joy will be yours. Climb the Path of Light and when selfhood dies, all tears shall be wiped away, and there shall be no more sorrow only ETERNAL ALL-PERVADING JOY, which is the cornerstone of Victorious Accomplishment in The Light.

Seek only the Path that leads into the very heart of "I AM", for within the Light of "I AM" there is hope and joy, and health, and strength, and deep, deep content.

May ALL-PERVADING JOY be yours, Now and Forever

I love you, and I gently touch that Spark of Joy on the Altar of your Heart, that my Joy may be in you, and that your joy may overflow. No greater joy can I have than to know that you, my beloved children, follow the TRUTH.

Lord Ling





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