Now is the Hour for Application

Serapis Bey

January 1964


Have people thought much about what is the Ascension Flame? No! It is a current of qualified thought and feeling. It is life sent back to God in the silent prayer of the most humble heart as well as in the spoken invocation of the greatest Angel. And on this qualified current which is sustained through every generation by guardians of its Cosmic upward flowing stream, individual lifestreams can and do ascend to my Father and to yours. The individual adoration, prayer, hymn of praise would spend itself and be gone from this realm were not guardians of the Flame rhythmically drawing it forth again and feeding it with what - their own life!

Thus through the ages have we at the Central Temple of the Ascension Flame watched and guarded the way back home, on the Ascending Arc of consecrated energy upon which any and every soul belonging to this evolution may, upon application, rise again into the Heart of Perfection! Long have I guarded the ascended current of energy which is built of all the prayers, aspirations, invocations and adorations sent up from the Earth since humanity first took embodiment upon its sweet surface.

The mighty Seraphic host render a tremendous service in this ascension energy. They weave together the aspiring currents of energy and focus them through the Central Temple of the Ascension Flame. They are the 'cruising Spirits' who catch every whispered breath, which is energy - God directed. They bring the momentum of all humankind's aspirations to the Central Temple of The Ascension Flame and we send it forth on a crescendo of adoration to God and the Messengers in the Inner Realms. They gather it up and return it again on the circle of energy and it increases the upward flow which will be your freedom, and that of every human being.

I bring to you, dear chelas, my personal Love and the momentum of aspiration and devotion which is my qualified life to give. Feel your spirit soar on the Ascension Flame into the Realm of Beauty, Love and Happiness which is God Perfection.

Contemplate the activity of the Ascension Flame by entering the 'ascending' Flame within your own being and then invite the Seraphim to take you on Wings of Love into the Central Temple of the Ascension Flame, where we, the guardians of that Holy Flame, will fill your consciousness with a true perception of the actuality of this most Sacred and Holy Adoration unto the Father of us all, for when one ascends into Freedom, his every action is an ever-increasing pulsation of gratitude and glory unto the one Supreme Source of all Life - "I AM".

In loving anticipation of your visits to our Temple, I direct the Seraphic Host in this thirty day period, particularly, to weave the feeling of their sacred energies into your beings so that you may become aware of what 'ascending' means. They will take the purified energies of your aspirations into the Heart of Flame of Ascension, thus adding to the ever expanding activity of your own Holy Christ Self.

Serapis Bey



The Need for a Mediator or Bridge

Master Jesus

January 1960

Individuals from time to time are of the opinion that there is no need for a Mediator or Bridge to connect the God-self with the outer intellect. These people are honestly and firmly convinced that as the God Presence "I AM" is connected through the Holy Christ Self with the heart of every lifestream, outside means of communication and spiritual guidance is unnecessary. To these people I address the following, having been a mediator myself and having served the Hierarchy to carry the Word of God to the ignorant masses.

The purpose of a Mediator is to convey the Truth from the Heart of God to the outer minds of individuals who have lost their personal and direct contact with their own Divinity. When this purpose has been accomplished, no mediation or transmission of consciousness is required, but until this point is reached, the outer mind of men, unable to rise to the inspiration of their own Higher Selves, are benighted.

Through the Mercy of God they are given enlightenment by those who have attained a degree of evolution wherein they may climb the Mount of Attainment, assimilate the Truth and carry the knowledge of that Truth back to the pilgrims on the Path. Every lifestream on the planet has had direct communication with the God Presence from the time individuality first took place. Over every lifestream on the planet hovers a Silent Watcher, and yet without a Mediator or Spiritual Guide in flesh form, these individuals are unable to receive direct guidance from their own God Presence "I AM". God in his Mercy has thus provided spiritual counsel - a step down through physical bodies highly developed, as Mediators of this Counsel - which turns the outer self towards TRUTH.

Master Jesus






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