Now is the Hour for Application

The Maha Chohan

September 1956

I want you to feel in its reality that you are living and have your actual being within the body of the God and Goddess that created this Universe - Helios and Vesta - and that body is made up of countless tiny partials of electronic light substance which are intelligent and obedient to the self-conscious beings that say "I AM".

Now many, many of you on a bright day have seen these particles in the atmosphere! These particles of self-conscious, intelligent light form the substance of the atmosphere that you breathe in and any number of them are willing, at any time, to enter into your world and become part of the substance that you require manifested in form, either personally, for Saint Germain's New Endeavor or for the entire planetary evolution.

Humanity may be likened to a man who sits in a room, the atmosphere of which is composed of pure gold and does not know how to use it, yet cries because of his limitation.

The creation of form is a part of the science of precipitation for which humankind took embodiment upon this planet and which you, who are the guardians of this planet and its evolutions, must learn. Therefore, it is right and meet for you to create consciously beautiful forms and then, through the use of the all-powerful creative words " I AM" draw into those forms this beautiful, universal, intelligent and obedient light which, drawn into form by your thought and feelings, becomes a manifest expression within your hands, use, and governing power.

The activity of the activity of the Maha Chohan in any planetary scheme is to magnetize, receive and distribute as much of the electronic light substance as is required for the planet to which he belongs and its attendant evolutions.

Now, Helios and Vesta pouring forth this electronic light substance which encompasses and is the life of every planet that makes up their planetary scheme, continue to draw from the Central Sun of the system - Alpha and Omega - more and more of that light substance in such tremendous and prolific generosity as cannot be conceived or cognized by the human mind... the Maha Chohan of each planet (for there is a Being holding that Office on each of our seven planets) magnetizes through his consciousness and body (as I do for the planet Earth) as much of that light substance as is required and requested by it various evolutions - the nature kingdom, the elemental kingdom, the human kingdom and the guardian spirits.

If there is no demand on the great Universal Storehouse for an increase of the electronic light substance, those of us who guard the release of the energy - because we are not wasteful - allow it to flow on to another planet where there are beings who are using their magnetizing power to a greater extent and creating from it something of beauty and perfection.

You might visualize the distribution of the electronic light substance from the Heart of the Beloved Helios and Vesta as a great stream of light energy flowing from the Sun to the farthest star and planet and as it reaches each sphere, the Maha Chohan of the planet directs from it a great funnel of light down to his sphere which interpenetrates and encompasses it round about and which forms the life and substance of every expression of evolving life thereon. Each Maha Chohan watches carefully to see that enough light energy is released to create sufficient harvest to supply all the needs of his people; enough to clothe them and supply all the necessities for their daily comfort, as well as to create expressions of beauty and perfection through the individualized creative intelligences of some of the embodied lifestreams evolving on his planet which would be a blessing to their fellow beings.

Therefore, beloved ones, from that great funnel of light which I draw down and radiate out to the planet Earth, there flows enough life essence to supply the great nature kingdom which expresses itself in the beauty of tree, grass, flower and fruit of every description. The Elemental kingdom uses it to sustain the life energy in the water and the air... but the humankind of Earth are, for the most part, given a great deal more of this universal electronic light than they ever use or dare, I will say, to invoke and mold into form for the blessing of their own worlds and the evolving life all around them.

The Maha Chohan




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