Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

March 1987


Island of Shri Lanka

ELECTRONIC PATTERN: A small revolving pink Sphere (about the size of a cherry) of pulsating Flames of Comfort and Love with Gold Wings of Peace - going out to all humankind; one pink sphere remains in your world and as the month progresses its size increases until it is as large as your individual aura.

Paul, the Maha Chohan:

Beloved Friends in the Service of the Light, we speak with you through the Grace of the Cosmic Holy Spirit, whose Loving Service to the peoples of this Planet enables me to channel the Breath of the Almighty into your beings, there to sustain you by its Pure Essence.

At this time I wish to again remind you, it is through Grace that you are in embodiment at this hour, when it is essential that the Spiritual Hierarchy have conscious lifestreams to assist in ushering in the Permanent Golden Age. Oh yes, that Golden Age has begun and you are its forerunners, but it is upon the one-pointedness of purpose along a specific lines of service which will decide your future cooperation with us. Your consciousness cannot be in two places at one time, neither can you serve to the fullest extent if your attention is divided upon more than one avenue of Service.

Recently, our beloved El Morya embodying the Will of the Father, has set this fact before you in very plain and understandable terms, so it is not necessary that I go into further explanation. Decide upon the avenue of Service which best fits your present development, temperament and emotions, and then follow through, but I would like to add a word here, please give the courtesy to your own Holy Christ Self whose Radiation brought you into the activity of THE BRIDGE TO SPIRITUAL FREEDOM, allowing you a special privilege of serving closely with the Spiritual Hierarchy under the direction of the Great Lord of the World, Gautama. It is my great honor to tell you that you will hear much more often from that Illumined One in the near future. Each Cosmic and Ascended Being is using the highest possible potential compatible to your development to help the chelas realize the importance of consciously cooperating and following Instructions set forth, as we place before your attention the requirement of the hour.

Should I seem severe to your consciousness at any time, it is only for the over-all good of all humanity, and every Release is clothed round in Pure Divine Love. I have said over and over that "I AM" my brother's keeper, and am endeavoring to assist you to reach that state of Perfection in which is the understanding of the Oneness of All Life. Your brother and mine encompasses all life, embodied or disembodied. There is no separateness in God's Heart, each one being a cell in the Body of the One Supreme Source of All.

As each lifestream becomes more illumined, the Cosmic Fount has a Cup through which more abundantly to nourish those not so fortunate as to have advanced where conscious communion with the Gods is possible, and to be entrusted with the privilege of knowing that he is his brother's keeper. Through this state of being the glorious radiation of Pure Divine Love flows constantly with whatever constructive radiation the individual desires at a given moment to enrich the masses. Since it is your privilege to have us speak directly to you, great is your blessing, but every lifestream, winged and four-footed creature, flower, tree, shrub, stone and pebble received a beneficence through our conscious activity of blessing all life in accordance with the Will of the Father.

We are striving for, and shall attain, the unity of all life upon this Planet according to Divine Plan. You have been previously apprised that Beloved Micah, the Angel of Unity (now Archangel), is the Guardian who holds the Cup for THE BRIDGE TO SPIRITUAL FREEDOM. Beloved Micah volunteered for this Service and the Hierarchy are so grateful, for all the Instruction is enfolded in his Love and Protection. You can well realize that as he is the Cosmic Son of the Beloved Archangel Michael, where Micah is, there you will find the Radiation and Love of Lord Michael.

I repeat, as I have so often said, when the chelas volunteer at Inner Levels and then consciously know in the outer that they are serving with the Spiritual Hierarchy, the impediments of accumulated destructive karma come to the fore with great rapidity for transmutation, enabling you to be aware of certain purification which must take place in order that you may become better outposts for us in your Service to the Light.

Also, one must be fortified with an invincible Mantle of Protection to deflect, and transmute, the unseen destructive forces that roam the world and those which are sent at conscious direction against those serving the Cause of World Good! When the chela is in a purified state those elements which would seek to temporarily incapacitate him from following through on the Divine Plan, do not have a like vibration on which to tie.

When one has achieved a momentum of the use of the Violet Fire, and is a conscious dispenser of the Merciful Essence wherever he moves, the negative forces become weaker and weaker, and there is little imperfection on which destructive forces can ride into the chela's world. One day in the not too distant future, the chela will more fully realize the privilege of inhabiting the Earth at this time, or having previously walked upon its surface, learning the Lessons which are necessary to God Freedom, and will through Divine Illumination bend the knee in complete sublimation to the Presence of God within his heart, having learned that "I AM", the Cosmic Source, is all there is.


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The Great Beings from the Sun Temples, whose radiation and outpouring we will receive during this period;  

NEPTUNE - March 1st through March 20th

Purifying Power of the Water Element - Training of Undines and Water Elements  

AIRES - March 21st through April 19th

Cosmic Virtue of Wisdom - Temple of Sylphs and Devas of the Air



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