Special Address

Master Hilarion

January 1987

My beloved friends, may peace be with you, and the wisdom and light of TRUTH flood your hearts and illumine the Pathway of Light before you. May Divine Love be your Guide - the Divine Love that accepts you for what you are in order to guide you into what you can become - a unique expression of Divinity, at ONE with the Father-Mother God of All Life.

What a wonderful privilege is yours to have been allowed the opportunity to incarnate into the Human Kingdom, and to have the opportunity to experience that greatest gift of all - Free Will - and to consciously CHOOSE to KNOW “I AM”, ever seeking for the Secrets of Creation. Privileged indeed. MAN KNOW THYSELF, and be at ONE with the ceaseless flow of Divine Love, ceaselessly giving of Itself in order that all who respond to it will be free to become a unique Child of God.

The very nature of Love, the very nature of a Child of God, is selfless service, without seeking any reward, pure from any motive, save unremitting service for the highest benefit of all, and a DEEP RESPECT for those to whom this selfless service flows, with selfless surrender to the Divine Will of God. As you prove the TRUTHS that we have given to you, by living them daily, you will experience the Christ Consciousness, and the personality, previously locked in by pride, fear, resentment, jealousy, doubt and distrust, and self-aggrandizement, will release the previously unknown qualities of Freedom, of heartwarming joy, of Divine Love and youthfulness, and the peace that passes the understanding of the human mind. The precious power of discrimination will be yours, as you become a blazing Cathedral of Living Light through the application of TRUTH in your daily living.

Even the smallest thought or feeling of aversion towards your neighbor or any shaft of jealousy will help you to realize the vast distance humanity must travel inwards in order to attain the Christ Consciousness. Observe life, but do not judge it. Observe and LOVE life, but do not judge it, and as you cleanse the inner recesses of your own Being, and the contents are illumined by spiritual discernment, you will feel a loving empathy with your fellow man, gleaned from your own experiences of human frailty. The empathy is Pure Divine Love, overwhelming in its intensity.

Humility is the ultimate virtue of Christ Consciousness. In humility you find the young at heart, the young in spirit, and you are then able to lovingly learn from the book of life all around you the secrets of human existence, from the lowest to the highest, with equanimity.

Observe, love and learn, and as your Light burns steadily in that gentle windless atmosphere of the humility of your Inner Sanctuary your whole Being, your whole world, your whole universe, will be silently bathed in the boundless splendor and infinite light of its Radiance. You, my beloved friends, are not strangers to the TRUTH. THINK ON THESE THINGS.

All the waves and the billows of emotional unrest shall flow over you and you will remain at peace, as deep calls to deep in the roar of God's cataracts, and the illumining spark of "I AM" within your soul will leap into life in joyous recognition as it encounters the Divine Spark within every one of your fellow creatures on Earth.

The more you cling to past images, the further you distance yourself from the Mighty "I AM", the Mighty "I AM" so rich in mercy, so rich in kindness, so rich in Grace, no longer a stranger unto you, but abiding consciously within your Sacred Flame of Eternal Truth within.

Let your Light silently shine before all humankind, that its radiance may lead all life back into the heart of Divine Love.

My beloved friends of Saint Germain, you are held together as a Group by the Holy Spirit, and so be at Peace one with another, speaking TRUTH, dealing TRUTH, living TRUTH, healthy and growing and filled with love, clothed in the nature of loveliness.

What a glorious foundation you stand on. I know the pain of digging out that foundation, I know the tears, I know the frustrations, I know the temporary loss of self esteem, but what a glorious foundation. Your glorious foundation has the cornerstone of the Christ Consciousness. What a glorious foundation from which, together, we can build a BLAZING CATHEDRAL OF LIVING LIGHT.

In Divine Love,

"I AM" Hilarion



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