Easter Conference

Pallas Athena

April 17, 1987

Good morning. I bring you, each one, the radiation of Cosmic Truth.

KNOW that TRUTH NEVER CHANGES. It is just amplified and raised to a higher radiation in each Dispensation. Many, many of you followed in the Dispensation of the Master Jesus - the Great Exemplar of the Christ, and now you KNOW the higher radiation and vibration of "I AM". "I AM" is all there is, and in "I AM" Consciousness ALL will be revealed unto you.

It may be difficult for some to accept the Truth as presented at this time, but all you have to do is to GO WITHIN. GO WITHIN AND STILL YOURSELF, and Truth will be revealed to you. Then you will follow along The Path. We know it is difficult for some to accept this, and every one who feels any difficulty will receive extra and special assistance from my Legions of Light. They are ever present to help you, as am I.

Truth is such a beautiful radiation. Such a beautiful radiation. It is such a glorious feeling when you walk along the Path, no matter where you are, and KNOW that your silent radiation assists your fellow traveler as it flows from your being. That glorious, glorious radiation that is Cosmic Truth can pour forth from your being when you abiding in the heart of your being, "I AM".

Feel the radiation of the Legions of Truth who have come with me. Feel their Essence course through your being, for it will wash away all imperfection. Accept that radiation, accept it and feel it and KNOW that you are being saturated and SATURATED AND SATURATED with COSMIC TRUTH. Thank you, dear children, for I KNOW that you DO feel it.

As we go along the Path we find many people approaching us telling us this, and telling us that, and sometimes one wonders 'could that be true?' It may well be true for them, but if it does not agree with your present consciousness which we trust is of a higher vibration, then just bless them and let them go along their own way. For as we have said time and time again, The Truth never changes, it is just the radiation, the higher vibration which brings it in another form. TRUTH IS ALWAYS THE SAME. THE TRUTH OF LIFE ABIDES WITHIN YOU.

Take off the shackles, and we say as we did to Master Jesus, unwrap loose the ties of the binding claws about you. They are just human consciousness children, JUST HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS. And how well we understand. Know that LOVE IS TRUTH, TRUTH IS LOVE, Love is in EVERYTHING, FOR LOVE IS ALL THERE IS.

Abide in that consciousness of Love Divine and KNOW that Truth walks beside you always.

Do not be discouraged at any time, for that is a negative activity, and if you should slip at any time just a little bit, then remember SILENCE and ASK "I AM" to tell you the TRUTH. Then you will FEEL IT, you will KNOW IT, you will have the CONVICTION and the DETERMINATION to follow the Path of Truth which we present to you at this time.

We bless, and bless, and bless all avenues of Truth on the Earth at this time, because each avenue is required by those of a different consciousness. You know the Oneness of Being, and the more you spread the radiation of Truth, letting it flow through your being, the more is your fellow traveler assisted. Remember always that "I AM" is all there is.



I enfold you in Truth that you may be TRUTH INCARNATE. And in Blessing I enfold you all, each and every one of you, in the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Truth, which you are, and which is your True Being, and KNOW THAT "I AM" WITH YOU ALWAYS... GOD BLESS YOU!

Pallas Athena



Pentecost                                      Sunday, June 7th

Father's Day                                  Sunday, June 21st





