
To the Beloved Lady Master Pallas Athena

“I AM” only a point of Light who lives, moves and has its being in the Great Light of ALL, and in the acceptance of this reality I also accept that "I AM" able to invoke and to ask here and now the Assistance and Presence of the beloved Lord of World, Gautama, the beloved Cosmic Christ, Lord Maitreya, the beloved Sanat Kumara whose indescribable LOVE enfolds our Earth.

We invoke all the Powers of the Great Central Sun, the Beloved Alpha and Omega, the, Beloved Helios and Vesta, our Father-Mother God and All the Suns who sustain our Galaxy. And we ask that for the accumulated momentum of Service of the Great White Brotherhood and the Spiritual Hierarchy, we become living examples of the meaning of DIVINE SERVICE.

When we raise our consciousness in the Invocation to the Silence Watchers in all places, we ask them to project and to sustain in our inner the Immaculate Concept of Perseverance and Obedience without which their own lovely service to our Planet would not be possible.

Beloved Archangels: May our Light be sustained by your Presence as you sustain your Infinite Light before the Throne of the Most High, that we may say with authority: "I AM" THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD,! and accepting it, BE that LIGHT!

We now invoke Angels of all Graded Orders and the Elemental Kingdom to unite with us now and forever, as so lovingly held in the heart of our Lord and King, Saint Germain. May we fulfill his dreams.

Hallowed be his assistance at this moment.....

We invoke, accepting their joint Radiation, the lovely Beings who are Sponsors for this year, Beloved Lady Venus, Lady Vesta, and Beloved Zarathustra, and Beloved Paul, the Maha Chohan. And from the very depths of our hearts we invite and invoke the Beloved Goddess of Truth, Pallas Athena, to whom we lovingly dedicate this class, and we offer ourselves as conscious channels for the TRUTH, THE ETERNAL FLAME OF TRUTH, and for the expansion of its Radiation that humankind may manifest the FREEDOM IN THE LIGHT OF GOD THAT NEVER FAILS to produce PERFECTION, which is the only way to return HOME!

With gratitude to all Invoked Beings of Light for their assistance.


There's never a rose in all the world

But makes some green spray sweeter;

There's never a wind in all the sky,

But makes some bird's wing fleeter.

No Robin but may thrill some heart,

His dawnlight gladness voicing;

God gives us all some small, sweet way

To set the World rejoicing.