

Heavenly Father, infinite source of all Light! In the name of all humanity on this Planet, I thank you for Life... In the name of all Angelic Evolutions, I thank you for Life... In the name of the blessed Elemental Kingdom, I thank you for Life... And in this Unity of consciousness, I enter and dwell in the Ceremonial Flame on this Altar for divine Co-Service with the Ascended Host of Light... “I AM” Unity within the Thought Form of this Sanctuary and I invoke the full divine Impulse of the Ceremonial, increased on this Planet through the priestly activity of each servant of the Sacred Fire that comes from the Sun, beyond the Sun, beyond the Sun...

Glorious God Parents Alpha and Omega, Blessed be your Blazing Heart sustaining the Presence of Cosmic Beings, beloved Friends of the Ages of each Earthly Evolution! Blessed are you, glorious God Parents of the Elohim Divine Creators! Blessed are you, beloved Amida Buddha and Alexa, Cosmic Parents of the Sacred Fire of Liberation... for bringing us... through the Heart Flames of the Sun-Gods of this System of Worlds, the services of the Fire Element and each divine Sacred Fire Focus... the Love, Illumination and Power of the Holy Trinity from the highest living God...

We reverently bow before God's Infinite Majesty and invoke, as Priests and Priestesses of the great Zadkiel, assistance from the Divine Director, Lord Saithru to magnetize the Cosmic Fire of Liberation and offer it, ceremonially, before the Altar of his great Lady and Cosmic Master, Chohan of the Seventh Ray and Mother of the Seventh Root Race on this day of great Celebration.

Blessed Lady Mercedes, sweet Mother! Accept this pure Love... accept our gratitude for blessing us and all humankind this day with the warm Flame of Maternal Love, which is Eternal for us. Bless us, Beloved Lady Mercedes, now and forever... Amen.