Now is the Hour for Application

Excerpts from beloved Lanto:

December 1961

On behalf of the members of the Teton Retreat, I greet you, and thank you for the opportunity to present to you something to think upon; the use of the Gift of Life Itself! What could you do or even we in our Realm, without Life! Life which animates your mind, your feelings and enables you to move about. Life, coming from where? From God himself! That Life taken so much for granted and so lightly by the mass of humanity, not only human life, but animal life, bird life, the life of your floral growth and your harvest.  

Ah, that humanity could see the Cosmic Activities in which Divine Beings are sustaining the Life in the Nature Kingdom alone, so that man can have a beautiful Spring, a fragrant Summer, a bountiful Harvest and an Autumn filled with such beauty and color that it is an inspiration to the soul during the time when the Earth rests beneath the pristine purity of snow!  

What have you given to the Universe for the Life given to you in this one embodiment alone? Measure it out each morning when you rise, giving gratitude during this thirty- day period for Life! Measure it out as you lay the body down at night before sleep, to what good purpose have you put God's Life loaned to you, during that twelve-hour period and how much of it has been wasted and dissipated! In such a manner you shall learn a reverence for Life, the love of Life is expanding within you, and the strength of the Tetons shall sustain you to love all Life free!  

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1987 Holy Days


Easter                                                                                    April 19th


Saint Germain's Ascension Day                                                 May  1st

Gautama's Enlightenment                                                          May  8th

Mother's Day                                                                          May 10th

Wesak Festival                                                                        May 27th

Ascension Day (Master Jesus)                                                  May 28th


Pentecost                                                                                 June  7th

Father's Day                                                                            June 21st


Asala Festival                                                                          July 25th


Transfiguration of Jesus                                                          August  6th

Mother Mary's Ascension                                                         August 15th


Master Jesus' Birthday                                                           September   8th

Lady Mercedes' Feast Day                                                       September 24th

Lord Michael’s Feast Day                                                         September 29th

Angelic Harvest                                                                       September 30th


Elemental Harvest                                                                    October 31st


Thanksgiving Day                                                                      November 26th

Humanity’s Harvest                                                                   November 30th


Feast of the Angels                                                                   December 25th