New Year Conference

El Morya

December 31 st , 1986

Good morning, my dear friends of the Light, I welcome you into the Embrace of the Heavenly Host assembled here at Shamballa.

How often we say "THE WILL OF GOD IS GOOD". I can certainly attest to that fact. We also say "THE WILL OF GOD IS LOVE" and that is what you must work to attain, and know, that from the very center of your Being, I love ALL LIFE. Feel this love of all life, and become the CHRIST IN ACTION. "I AM" that "I AM". Then we shall have peace in the hearts of all humanity, and I counsel you and ask you with all the feeling I can portray to LOVE ALL LIFE. LOVE THY FELLOW TRAVELER.

Although his way may not be your way, understand that your way may not be his way, but always remember that in the ONENESS OF BEING all life should serve together. This is your opportunity in the new year that is about to dawn. This is your opportunity to LIVE that LOVE IS ALL THERE IS, for Love encompasses all, and as you walk among humanity bless your fellow traveler with the radiance of your love, and the love will expand and expand until it encompasses the entire Earth.

Then shall manifest PEACE. Feel the peace and the love which the Ascended Host of Light and all MIGHTY BEINGS ASSEMBLED HERE... Feel the peace and love of their Radiation enter every cell and fiber of your Being with love, with peace, and with the gentleness of God-Power. Accept this love and this blessing and your Light will expand and expand and expand until this dear Earth feels the love which you hold within your heart, and know that as you release this light and love it will enable the Ascended Host to amplify that light and love until the Earth is held close to the bosom of Living Light and Divine Love. Do you not feel this love for your fellow man? 0 yes, I know you do. Yes, I KNOW you do! I am so sure you do, but sometimes man is prone to forget, and I know how very easy it is to forget, for I also have walked this path of Earth. REMEMBER, LOVE IS ALL THERE IS, and LOVE dwells within your heart. Please do not forget. The love that dwells within your heart is just waiting, waiting, waiting oh so eagerly to have an opportunity to be that love in action. The love is not waiting to be CREATED, it is already there, waiting to be RELEASED.

RELEASE THE LOVE IN YOUR HEARTS, RELEASE THAT LOVE, AND BE LOVE IN ACTION AT ALL TIMES, and in this coming year that GREAT DIVINE LOVE of the MIGHTY SANAT KUMARA, the GLORIOUS SANAT KUMARA, who has been such an example to all of us in Heaven's Realms, will express through your Being and you can be very happy and secure in the feeling and knowledge that HE WALKS BY YOUR SIDE AND ENFOLDS YOU IN THE RADIANCE OF HIS LOVE. HE WALKS BY YOUR SIDE, HE WALKS BY YOUR SIDE. HE DWELLS IN YOUR HEART.

Now is the hour for application of all the Truths that you have been given over the Ages. PROVE these Truths by your actions, your thoughts, your feelings, and KNOW that I love you and I, also, walk beside you and dwell within your heart.

God Bless You.

El Morya




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