Angels Serving Over

The Physical Focus of Shamballa

Beloved Concordia

I AM a Deva lending my Energies in the Etheric Realm over the physical Headquarters of the Spiritual Hierarchy on Long Island.

I come to you at this time to draw your attention to one of the services of the Angelic Host, First let me assure you that we are not vapory Beings of cloudlike substance. Do you realize how far above the Earth we are, and that the God Power which we embody pulsates like a dynamo of electronic energy. When you see us with your physical sight, it is just the radiation we are releasing. We are Beings of the concentrated Light who come into the atmosphere of Earth for a purpose.

There are numerous other Members of the Angelic Legions serving over the physical Focus of Shamballa, and in the same capacity at other locations relating to this Planet. I would like you to become more aware that over every dedicated focus of the Spiritual Hierarchy there are Devas delegated to receive the energy which rises from those who serve in the specific location.

We most gratefully and joyously gather up the uprising energy from such Foci, transmuting any imperfection which may have misqualified it by the thoughts and feelings of those engaged in the service. 0h yes, this does occur. When the chela's mind wanders during service, it not only decreases the energy, but causes discoloration around the Light if the thought patterns are of a negative nature. The Light itself can not be contaminated, but it is the radiation around it which is discolored.

If you were giving a cup of water to someone who was ill or very thirsty, common sense would tell you to use a clean cup. So it should be when making calls or in meditative service, be it for healing, governmental affairs or for any other purpose. During a musical interlude in your service, should the thought cross a chela's mind, "I do not like that rendition, such and such should be used" you are functioning from a lower consciousness instead of clothing the radiation in Divine Love and Gratitude for expanded service.

May I suggest that as you enter contemplation before class or in your quiet time in your own homes, that you silently ask that the Angels of the Violet Fire and Purity release their Love and Light and Transmuting Power in, through and around all activities of the service which is to take place.

Be it understood that while I AM presently serving specifically over Long Island, from time to time I visit various Foci of Light all over the Earth. I have mentioned Shamballa because I have come to Long Island from various points throughout the Planet, ― and what I have witnessed has been most enlightening.


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December 25th, Friday...................... The Feast of the Angels


Previous Openings of the Temple of Shamballa

November of each year from 1952 to 1978

Now to be opened in December ― prior to each New Year





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