Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

May 1987


Etheric Realm over Hall of Supreme Harmony Beijing, China

ELECTRONIC PATTERN:A Flaming Lotus of varying deep shades of Violet Fire enfolding the Earth in its Living Flame with a pulsating Aquamarine Radiance.

Lady Kwan Yin

I bow before the glorious light within your hearts in gratitude for the opportunity and privilege of serving your life, and for your gracious kindness in receiving me and entering into the consciousness of my service to your life.

As we have opened the Temple doors to your so welcome Presence, may you feel our happiness in your acceptance of our simple hospitality and friendship in that service to Life.

To live but to amplify some particular gift of God's beautiful Nature is to live in the happiness of your complete freedom, for through the doors and windows of your soul there will sweep forth the glory of the Ever-Presence to enrich the world through your invitation.

This month your thoughts are on Mercy, Forgiveness and Love Divine! There is not one blessed lifestream who has not received of these three immortal gifts from the Heart of God and his Messengers many times throughout the ages. You are not strangers to these Gifts which pulsate through the Flaming Lotus of Cosmic Mercy, whose violet petals of Living Flame encompass the Earth. There is not one unascended being who could attain the full freedom that lies with the Ascension, if these qualities were removed from the Earth! By Mercy, through Forgiveness, and in Love, all Life ascends again into its true estate.

I ask you now as the Flaming Power of Mercy, Forgiveness and Love Divine encircles the Earth, to open your feeling worlds to the acceptance of this Power of Transmutation and allow the miracle working Alchemy to melt those creations in consciousness that yet hold you bound. Oh, accept if for all life! It is the greatest concentration of the forgiving Love of the Cosmic Christ that the Earth has yet known.

And now, beloved hearts, I ask you to be that Mercy, Forgiveness and Love Divine to all Life everywhere. Do you know what Mercy is? It is more Kindness than justice requires. It is more Kindness than can be claimed by Merit or Service. Will you daily begin to consciously forgive all the Life that has consciously or unconsciously done you injustice, back to the beginning of time? Make it a daily ritual of your contemplative hours. Where you see those frightful distortions of mind and body... of disease or distress of any kind ― stop for a moment and consciously forgive the energy that created such an appearance and set that energy free. I shall amplify your every endeavor to be the merciful, forgiving, loving power of my Presence, and I shall be so grateful to use you as myself while we have the opportunity of drawing, focusing, and directing our Flame of Mercy on a world-wide scale.

The blessings of my Legions of Mercy and Love Divine!

Lady Kwan Yin

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TO THE COSMIC SPIRIT OF MERCY-- which is the VERY NATURE GOD -- The Universal "I AM" Presence itself!

We send our deepest feelings of Divine Gratitude for the magnificence of this Spirit which CAN and DOES transmute all discordantly qualified substance back into its natural God-estate of ABSOLUTE PERFECTION.  

To our Beloved Kwan Yin -- Goddess of Mercy -- whose service to life is consciously directing the Flame of God's Infinite Mercy to all imprisoned life everywhere. We humbly bow! In all her loving Presence all sins of omission and commission are completely transmuted into light and each such soul is allowed the full freedom to then arise and become the MANIFEST EXAMPLE OF HIS OWN HOLY CHRIST SELF IN ACTION ¾ right here, in the physical appearance world!  

Every individual who has used life imperfectly at any time, now has full and free access to the Presence, Forgiveness and Compassion of the Flame of Mercy which the Gracious Lady Kwan Yin actually embodies in her own Divine Being. Reach out in consciousness and touch the hem of her robe (which you do when you place your attention upon her). Let Mercy's Flame give its limitless assistance to your Eternal Freedom and direct it in, through and around all you hold near and dear, to transmute all misqualified life which you have drawn into your world, consciously or unconsciously -- as well as all misqualified energies which have been drawn within and around our sweet Earth itself . She will answer you -- and at once!

Lady Kwan Yin





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