
Pallas Athena

March 1987

It is a tremendous joy and privilege for me to have the opportunity of welcoming you into the embrace of your beloved Flame of Eternal Truth in the very heartbeat of your Being.

There is but ONE TRUTH. This you have been told many, many times, and the Truth is ALWAYS VERY SIMPLE. But man, in his intellectual endeavors, has succeeded in hiding the Truth behind walls of obscurity. I tell you again... THERE IS BUT ONE TRUTH. The essence of all philosophies and all religious endeavors are gathered around this ONE ETERNAL TRUTH.

There is but One Truth, but many, many reflections, and I ask you now to earnestly endeavor to pass away from the worship of the reflected beam and draw nearer, ever nearer, ever nearer, and still nearer to the Majesty of the ALL-PERVADING and CHANGELESS ONE.

Every ripple on the ocean shimmers with the reflection of the Sun's Rays and the Sun's Glory, but the Sun is HIGH ABOVE THEM ALL. Think on these things! THE SUN IS HIGH ABOVE THEM ALL. So it is with the One Truth. It is fixed HIGH ABOVE any one of its reflections as it shines on the ripples of human thought.

The reflections are constantly changing, changing, and then moving on. Ever changing, ever moving, moving into favor and moving out of favor, ever moving, ever changing, but the ONE TRUTH CHANGES NOT. It is the ONE STATIONARY FORCE. The One Truth is "I AM".

THE ONE TRUTH IS "I AM". All else is but its reflection. If you worship the ripple, if you worship the reflection you worship ignorance. To love ignorance is to destroy human happiness. Within the One Truth ALL KNOWLEDGE IS FIXED. Seek this knowledge and all that is changeless and undying will be found, and Victory will be yours. That which changes is of the world of illusion, only that which changes not is real. And that which changes not abides at the very center of your being - the One Truth - the Eternal Flame of Truth - "I AM".

There is but One Truth, and that Truth is Simple "I AM" that "I AM".

The four GREAT TRUTHS are but the Central Beam of the One Truth. To KNOW SORROW is the first beam, and to KNOW SORROW'S CAUSE is the next beam. To KNOW SORROW’S CEASING is the third beam, and to KNOW THE WAY into the ETERNAL ONE is the fourth beam.

Know the ONE TRUTH and understand its four central Great Truths. KNOW and UNDERSTAND the inevitability of the suffering of the Beloved Jesus at the Crucifixion, and the death of the ego of all humanity before their resurrection and re-creation and ultimate perfection as they blend into the ONE TRUTH.

It is essential that you accept the inevitability of the suffering and death of the ego before it is possible for you, while still in the flesh, to resurrect and re-create into ultimate perfection, blending for all time with THE ETERNAL ONE.

Hear beyond my words.

Listen and you shall hear.

Listen and you shall hear.

Hear beyond my words.


"I AM" that "I AM"

Pallas Athena

* * *

On Serving God

If you would serve God and your fellowman remember that your sole dealing is with Life, and do not look for gratitude, nor love, nor cooperation from the masquerading garments that Life has drawn about its reality.  

Salute the God-life within every heart and bend every effort of mind and soul and will to the releasing and redemption of that God. Hear the mute appeal of Life encased in every breast and set it free. Work and toil in that Service, touching the wand of Freedom to the manifestations of Life wherever you meet them, and rest not until all Life is free.  

While any manifestation of Life is cased round in imperfection or pain or distortion, there is part of yourself that is not free, any more than if any member of your body knows pain, is your body at perfect peace!

El Morya




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