
Lord Saithrhu

Long Island, New York

August 1986

"I AM" Saithrhu, Manu of the Seventh Root Race and Guardian of the Incoming Golden Age of the Planet Earth.

"I AM" ever present in the higher spiritual vibrations of this Planet, calling all into an awareness of their own Christ Consciousness.

"I AM" ever present in your heart, as an expression of the vibration of Sublime Love that flows forth from the only Source of life.

"I AM" ever present in your mind, guiding you into the transcendent wisdom of your own Cosmic Christ.

"I AM" ever present in your actions, ensuring that the Will of God manifests through your activities, bringing into physical form the perfect Plan for the Group Avatar.

"I AM" present and in all things I do act.

Every action and every thought of each human soul is blessed with a Divine Momentum. Every leaf that falls is part of the perfectly ordained plan for the Universe. As God is within everything, so are all Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy within each one of you, for all Beings of Grace are a vibration of the one true radiation which is the Immanent Power of God. In this way the whole of Creation streams forth from its center like rays of sunlight, dancing with the realization of the manifold aspects of Deity.

Since the whole Universe rejoices in this Celestial Dance the movement of each individual atom creates anew the pattern of the whole. A perpetual equilibrium is maintained, working within the Eternal Laws of Cause and Effect. Every action and every thought of each one of you, is, therefore, a step in the Dance of Life to which the whole Universe must respond.

To maintain the perfect balance, ensure that your words, thoughts and actions are not flung carelessly into this perfect measure, but do only that which is, necessary to fulfill the Will of God as it manifests through YOUR lifestream.

Our beloved co-servers on this Earth, I wish to draw your attention to the importance of remaining centered, which results in BALANCE.

"I AM" offering to humanity a freedom which no other form of knowledge bestows. Many Paths of Light teach this very simple truth, and in its application lays that freedom. "I AM" offering you Grace and Beauty. As the Beloved Micah, The Prince of Peace and Master of Love, raises his hand in blessing, FEEL THE GRACE OF GOD radiating from his Being, and radiating through your heart center to bless all life. As you think, so shall you become and "I AM" ever present in your help and to encourage you. Fill your world with glad and beautiful thoughts at all times and you will radiate that serenity of which I speak. Remember, a thought, once issued, moves in a spiral. The doing and the deed takes form, and there it remains, living and lasting until it is adjusted by its creator.

Holy Ĉolus and myself will help you at all times with rhythmic balanced, mindful breathing, for this enhances the flow of Light through your thinking world. The Light floods through your being at the point where the Inbreath merges into the Outbreath, and the Outbreath merges into the Inbreath, for "I AM" the balance of the ebb and flow of your Breath, the rise and fall of your lungs. Communicate with your "I AM" Presence on the crest of the Breath. Ask and you shall receive, knock and you shall enter. Steady your breathing, clear your mind, and listen to the still small voice within. Feel the perfect balance rhythm of the natural movement of the Breath, and the Light will stimulate your whole being to see clearly the present moment of eternity and the futility of petty human frailty, for the Holy Breath is both active and passive at the same time. The Holy Breath is active in that it attracts radiant Light, and in its passivity it creates form. Breathe deeply into your soul for nourishment and strength, and love into action every precious moment and see the Love in every human heart. Accept the love of God in Freedom's Holy Light.

Increasingly we are requiring all dedicated souls to act as teachers of the Laws of the Universe by using their energies to BECOME LIVING EMBODIMENTS OF THOSE LAWS IN ACTION. Be an Example of a life of perfect HARMONY. In this way we ask you to dedicate YOURSELVES to our service, by manifesting Christ Awareness in your own lives and fulfilling the Divine Plan that YOU have chosen.

Follow my counsel, and in so doing, the Golden Age of the Earth shall be established here and now in your own hearts, calling all to come into the Glories of God's Mansion.

Lord Saithrhu




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