Easter Conference

Shamballa long Island New York

John, the Beloved

March 29, 1986

Good evening, and thank you for your release of energy.

I have had the great privilege of walking the Earth with Master Jesus and Holy Mother Mary. I would like to share a few of my thoughts with you. To know, to even experience the radiation of Holy Mary as she held true to the Purpose, the unwavering dedication at all times, that the Master Jesus would have Victorious Accomplishment on his Mission and so it was done. That is a very, very wonderful activity, to be dedicated to a Purpose, unwavering, and to KNOW that it can be accomplished. And so it can be, with you, and whatever you wish to do. Mary's Love filled all Life as she passed by, as of course, did the Master Jesus. I have said and I repeat, I was so privileged to walk the planet Earth with these two great Beings of Love. The way-showers for all humanity. Mother Mary is an example of pure motherhood, knowing just what to say to a child who seemed to be in trouble in his own consciousness. And as the Master Jesus grew to manhood, what an example of being steadfast, true to his purpose, always leading the way for others. And as the days passed, and the time of Holy Week approached, We knew, and could feel from the radiation of Mother Mary, that she was forming a shield of protection and love about him.  

Love thou one another. It does not have to be in a demonstrative way, just Love, and radiate through feeling, to your fellow traveler. One never knows what healing can take place, a healing of heart sorrow, by a smile to your brother or sister in recognition of their Light. Light of God... the Light of God SHALL prevail on this planet for you are, in a small way, following in the footsteps of the Master Jesus. Oh, wear a mantle of Love at all times, for Love, you know is all there is. Love of God encompasses all life because the Presence of God beats in the hearts of everyone. God in action. Feel the Love of Mother Mary and the Master Jesus as they send it forth to you and to all life and particularly at this hour when people are tuning in to the Resurrection and the Life. The Resurrection of all good... and it shall be. And you are doing your part daily to bring about that activity, but the higher your consciousness, the higher the vibratory rate, the more quickly will the Light, the Love of the Father-Mother God, take this planet and all her evolutions into its embrace.

As has been said this evening, the angels are encompassing this planet Earth, in and above this atmosphere, cradling it in the Love of God, giving forth the radiation of their Light to all. Do thou likewise, my sweet friends. Do thou likewise and enfold your brother and sister and all life in the Light of Love. Love Divine, for Love is all there is and God is Love. In so doing, you will respect all life, because every part of life that passes you by is God in action.  

Thank you, my beloved ones. May you experience a glorious Resurrection of feelings of The Christ on Easter morn and so it shall be according to your acceptance.


John, the Beloved



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