Easter Conference

Shamballa long Island New York

Lord Michael

March 27, 1986

Welcome to Eynhallow. Feel, oh feel the embrace of Pure Divine Love. Keep that feeling within your beings, all this week and then for all times... but particularly for this week. For each day will lead to the Celebration of the Resurrection of the Light. For that can be for you the Resurrection of "I AM" Consciousness. Expand, oh expand what the Master Jesus did so many years ago. He was able to hold in his Consciousness the feeling, "I AM" the Resurrection and the Light. Please be assured that the Legions of the Blue Flame of Protection and Purity and all the attributes of God will be with you in your every endeavor and you SHALL succeed. It is ordained. And why not do it NOW instead of struggling for many years? The opportunity is yours.  

Feel the magnificent activity going on in the ethers all over this planet as eager hearts, in no matter what activity, or in their own individual lives await the Resurrection and the Light of this planet and all humankind. And of course we realize the theme of the year, that the Will of God shall manifest. UNITY, UNITY, Unity in Consciousness. Knowing that within your heart, each beating heart, is "I AM". We realize that it is difficult to hold that thought. But practice, as you did in school, for practice makes perfect. And that time IS NOW.  

We know the sincerity of your blessed hearts, and all the chelas tuning in, in preparation of the Resurrection. And gratitude flows from the Spiritual Hierarchy to every part of life. The Elementals, oh the beautiful Elementals. Let the perfection of your being, the Elemental of your being, join the Consciousness of the Elementals. Obedient, to the Will of God.

We are so grateful, all the Spiritual Hierarchy, for you who have traveled from near and far. It is particularly auspicious that so many nations are represented because as you go forth you know that you are way showers. Yes, way showers, by the radiation that you give to bless all life. Just get that feeling. Practice that feeling, that somebody cares and wants me to be here. Radiate from the very Heart of the "I AM". How many times have we said that Love is all there is. just Be and Know that Love is the Presence of All in the Heart of God. And you, our co-servers, we embrace you in the enfolding Love of "I AM" Consciousness.  

That Holy Statement, "I AM" THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE, is our gift. This is an opportunity, for you to accomplish that statement. Today we feel a tremendous radiation coming forth from your hearts and you can send that radiation to join with like radiation to completely enfold this planet earth in the embrace of Love.

I leave you with the thought... Divine Love. It is ever present everywhere, waiting to be shared. What a gift. And know now that I bow before your Light and I bless you with my gift, my momentum, Love Divine. You Shall be Free in the Light!


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May 1st, Thursday                Saint Germain's Ascension Day

May 8th, Thursday                          Gautama's Enlightenment

May 8th, Thursday                  Ascension Day [Master Jesus]

May 11th, Sunday                                              Mother's Day

May 18th, Sunday                                                    Pentecost

May 23rd, Friday                                            Wesak Festival




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