
Lady Sophia

Sabachwalden, Black Forest, Germany

May 25, 1986

Children of the Light, on this day which is still filled with the Spirit of the celebration of the Feast of Pentecost, I greet you with Love. The descent of the Holy Spirit has been depicted as tongues of flame descending upon the Apostles. These tongues of flame represent the Love and the Light of the Holy Spirit entering the beings of all humankind, giving Golden Wisdom and the Illumination to dispense that Wisdom with Love to all life everywhere.  

In the Oneness of being know that you are "I AM" and abiding within your physical vehicle is a center of all life. You may travel anywhere throughout the universe to assist a nation, a planet, a cause or an individual because where your attention is, there you are. Travel forward, Children of Light, knowing that the Light of the Holy Spirit, the Breath of Life, is flowing forth to bless your fellow man and all kingdoms. The Light of the Sun shines forth from your beings and increases according to your dedication and centeredness. For many years we have told you that you will become Disciples of the Holy Spirit carrying Truth all over this planet, knowing that you are in embodiment for that specific purpose, to know and to be a radiating center of Love Divine.  

We know and you have been told that Love is all there is; the gentle love of a mother caressing her child, assisting the Comforter to enfold it. Is it not wonderful to realize that in that love the Spirit of God blesses all life?  

When this human world has finally understood that Love is all there is, Pure Divine Love shall bring Peace to all humanity.  

Radiating, radiating the Light of God, the Love of God, the Truth and all aspects of Healing - for Healing we know is bringing Truth to all - this planet shall be healed and rise to her full glory and the Perfection of the Holy Spirit.  

So shall it be, for the edict went forth in the beginning that LOVE and LIGHT are ONE, and embraces all aspects of divinity.

So saying, dear children of Light, I bow to the Light of your being.


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May 1974 and June 1985

[Previously known as the Etheric or Holy Cities of St. John]