Thanksgiving Class

Beloved Saint Germain

Caracas, Venezuela, S. A.


November 28, 1985

I salute the Light in your hearts and in the hearts of all humanity.  

You have brought great happiness to my Being for your attendance here this evening. Due to the magnificent mantra and songs, that glorious radiation has traveled all over this planet and has given an upliftment of consciousness to all life. You realize that every word carries a tone and that tone strikes a comparable one in the hearts of all humankind. Do you realize that you are tuning the strings in the Cosmic Harp, which is necessary for the perfect radiation of this sweet earth? It has been a long, long journey for humanity and in each lifetime you have gone further into the Light. One step at a time you have moved along the great Pathway of Violet Fire. Everywhere you go the Violet Fire is with you, for you now realize that the Violet Fire is Love Divine, and Love encompasses ALL.

Do you not feel a beautiful radiation of Love coming forth from certain Beings and you accept it gratefully? And now YOU must send forth Divine Love and this shall be a planet of Violet Fire. Each of you are pillars of Violet Fire sending forth that magnificent radiation to bless all life. It is Sacred, Sacred Violet Fire. Feel that radiation coursing through your beings, and grasp it close to your hearts. Always know that the Violet Fire is within you to solve any condition that may present itself. You are indeed Ambassadors of Light, and an Ambassador is one of high rank. At one time you were little children, not age-wise, but in consciousness. And now your consciousness is expanding until the glorious radiation of your being is Divine Love. Just cradle the planet close to your heart and all evolutions will feel the pulse beat of Love Divine anointing all life. Visualize a pathway of Light with a glorious radiation of Violet Fire and go slowly, slowly forward on the Path of Light until you reach the very center of your being, and as you step into that center you will feel the comfort and blessing possible. I tell you with all the emphasis of my Being... THIS IS POSSIBLE!  If it is your true desire to join with the Spiritual Hierarchy in a daily anchoring of Divine Love and Light, that Love will be a magnet which will silently touch the hearts of all -- quenching their thirst with Light. Drink from the Cup of Pure Consciousness, and as you drink freely others will look to you, for you are equipped to show them the way.

They may not even know that they need to be shown The Way into the Heart of Infinite Light but their hearts are stirring, and they are praying for peace. PEACE. What a wonderful quality! When humankind feels that peace we shall have the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light manifest. Know that all of Heaven's Sons and Daughters are always ready to assist you.

Learn the Mercy of the magnificent Lady of Light -- Kwan Yin. Kwan Yin is very gentle and in her gentleness is great power. Avail yourselves of the gift which she extends to you. Know there is just Oneness of Being. We all speak from the One Center, by whatever name.

You invoke us and "I AM" in the hearts of humanity, and the hour is approaching when we shall know that our brothers and sisters are One with us. We shall dwell as One in the kindness and radiation which is Divine Love. "I AM" that “I AM”. Even now, if you accept and believe that there is One Light, ― “I AM” ― you may dwell therein. “I AM” God in Action. Go forward, Children of the Light, and know that “I AM” always with you.

Thank you,

Saint Germain





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