Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

February 1986


In the Etheric Realm over Istanbul, Turkey

(Suggested Decrees: --Decrees; Nos. 4-01 to 4-05 incl, 6-01, 8-01, 8-02, 11-03, 11-07, 11-09, Adoration, No. 19 (pg. 54), Visualization, pg. 22.)

ELECTRONIC PATTERN: A Sunrise of Illumined Wisdom and Love, arising over the tranquil waters of the Christed Soul.

Lady Sophia

"I AM" Sophia, a servant of Wisdom from the third Sun of Alpha and Omega. Beloved Krishna and myself sustain a Solar Vibration of Love, evolving a series of planets orbiting directly above those of Beloved Helios and Vesta. From the Focus within our Sun, Beloved Krishna represents the Power of Love and I, the Wisdom of Love or, if you will, the Mother Principle of Love. The Wisdom of Love is the Third Ray in action where the Divine Mind of God is translated into practical application for the perfect results that Love itself intends for every Child of God. This Solar momentum of Wisdom and Love I now focus into the planet Earth through my Sacred Retreat over the ancient city of Istanbul. "I AM" dedicated to establishing the Truth of Love within the consciousness of a planet that is destined to soon occupy the vibratory level of our Love Planet, Venus.

I come at this time when all other Planets and Suns are completely ready for the Great Cosmic upshift. Many Cosmic Beings (most you know not of) are turning their attention to Earth. Each One has a specific purpose in a co-ordinated effort to return the prodigal child, Earth, Home into eternal Truth. At this time, my specific Energies are designed to forward the feminine aspect of Spiritual Freedom, developing the race toward INNER Mastery of the creative faculties of thought and feeling. The past age, where the masculine aspect of development was predominant, is replete with examples where thought and feelings were attempted to be mastered through outer action, often resulting in conflict and chaos. I come to assist the race toward an Inner Mastery of thought and feeling, giving Power back to the God Flame within the Heart to balance the lifestream. I come to reacquaint humanity with the Temple of Mastery and Resolution within them of which their own Christus is the Hierarch. Within your Flame is the Power to resolve every thought, feeling and circumstance -- the Power of Illumined Wisdom and Love.

The Energy I offer is the feminine aspect of Holy Spirit, which when accepted will balance the drive towards outer action with Loving Wisdom. It is not intended to stop outer action, rather to insure that it is God Alone in action through the individual, resulting in a perfectly balanced nature. This Gift dispenses a peaceful presence of calm into the feelings allowing the God Presence to take dominion in every situation. It is a Baptism with Holy Spirit, allowing the Miracles of God to Flow through one who has mastered difficult 'tests' with the Inner Action of a Lord of the Flame, rather than adding to the shadows by action of the outer personality. Here is your opportunity to prove your heart desire, vowed before Beloved Saint Germain himself, to live in a Spiritual World of Truth mastered by Spiritual Action, rather than the illusory personality world, manipulated by the usurped power of the outer personality.

If you can achieve this you would reach the point Beloved Jesus did where he found himself at the River Jordan, where Holy Spirit filled his Being, strongly connecting him with the Flame of his Presence. This is the action of my Flame. My Spirit connects with the Christ in you to firmly set you upon the Path of your Divine Plan, the actual Ministry you came to give this planet, from the point of Consciousness within your "I AM" Presence. The tremendous Love within your Being must reveal itself, as it did with the Master Jesus before you. It is your unrelenting destiny to do so.  

Your outer mind is not even aware of the tremendous Love Nature within you, born within the Sun, a Divine heritage from your God Parents. It is my deep desire to assist your Love Nature to arise within you like the Sunrise at dawn. And I might add that some of you who read these words were Spiritually Born within the Sun of Lord Krishna and myself. Thus "I AM" a Mother come to assist the children of my own Heart, who are in voluntary exile for a great Cause; as well as to assist the Great Cosmic Progression of the Planets and Suns.  

May I be bold in my approach to your consciousness? How many embodied souls can we count on to believe in, let alone assist with, the Cosmic Progression of the planets? Even then, how many students or chelas can we count on to be one-pointed in preparing themselves for the vibratory level of Venus (therefore preparing the way for others to follow)? It is YOU, you who read these words and feel my Radiation, in whom we have placed our hopes and our efforts. As you must now be aware, "I AM" here to assist this planet into the orbit of Venus, a transition which must take place soon.

The greatest assistance I can be is to bring the same Solar Radiation in which Venus evolves, into the Earth, to prepare ‘the Way'; and to prepare 'the Way-showers'.

How do I prepare the Way-showers? Through a process of the chelas discovering that "I AM" already in the Center of your Heart Flame and that of all humanity. There "I AM"! How is this? In the origin of the Universe, part of the actual Solar Flame of Beloved Krishna and myself proceeded farther out from ourselves in the original Outbreath of the Great Central Sun and is to be found within the Solar Flame and Radiation of the fourth Sun, Helios and Vesta and all the Suns beyond. Therefore, "I AM" already within the Spirit Spark and Eternal Flame of each soul in this solar system of Helios and Vesta. Likewise, Beloved Krishna and myself received a segment of the Flame of Apollo and Diana and Osiris and Isis, the first and second Sun.

The same is true of the fifth solar system of Hercules and Amazon, which is blessed by the Solar Flame proceeding outwards from Helios and Vesta. Thus, each individual soul Flame in each solar system contains the 'seed' Vibration of all the preceding Suns, as well as the principle vibration of their Parent Sun. This is the original Divine Plan of the Great Central Sun, knowing that eventually all the planets and suns would be breathed back in along the same outward path. How it would help on the return journey Home, if the Vibration of the next orbit up was already "seeded" within the lifestreams of the present orbit. This ‘seed’ vibration could then be nurtured and developed at a time just preceding each Great Inbreath, to make for an easy transition into the next orbit.

This is the purpose of my coming now. It also may explain to you the purpose of the coming of Krishna ages ago, developing the masculine side of that seed vibration. It may also reveal to you why Sanat Kumara knew he would be successful in 'saving' this planet at its darkest hour; because our seed vibration of Love was hidden within the planet and its race already, even at the lowest ebb of history. Do you not see the Illumined Wisdom and Love of the Cosmic Law in preparing the Path Home into the Heart of God; for individuals and for solar systems?  

The very best way to perceive my Presence in you is to visualize a Rising Sun, coming up over the tranquil waters of your soul. This symbolizes the energies of our Sun arising from the souls who have mastered the water planet, Earth; and who are ready to proceed upward into the orbit of Venus, the Etheric planet of Love Divine. It is also symbolic of Holy Spirit arising from the Christed soul on Earth. It is perhaps easiest to feel my Radiation as a Sunrise of Holy Spirit, arising from within you, slowly lighting up your Being with the Rays of Illumined Wisdom and Love Divine of the Eternal Morning of God.

"I AM" One with the Force of Love known as Holy Spirit, which is represented to the planets of Helios and Vesta by the Cosmic Holy Spirit, Æolus. I come to complement the Magnificent Radiation he transmits to this planet. Now, whereas the masculine aspect of Holy Spirit is envisioned as 'visiting’ a prepared chela (in an active propulsion of Love and its ‘Miracles’ from a Sphere beyond the chela), the feminine nature of Holy Spirit is envisioned as slowly arising within an Anointed Soul. By pointing this out, I hope to illumine you as to the Balance in becoming true Disciples of Holy Spirit... in opening up to and accepting both the Energies from Spheres above and Energies that are already an inherent part of your Being. The two meld to form the complete Being of Holy Spirit in which the Christ Self arises into the Supreme Mastery of the "I AM" Presence, ready to externalize the fullness of your Divine Ministry an Earth.  

It has been said that the Third Ray of Holy Spirit is the manifestation of Love; Love revealing itself. For the planet Earth and all her evolutions, this now means being readied in consciousness for the great transition to the Fiery Love orbit of Venus. This project supersedes all others, for the Great Cosmic Edict has sounded and the time approaches. In readying yourselves, practice Constancy for this alone may assuage the deep thirst for Holy Spirit that my Coming brings. May I suggest that in your individual and group efforts, you feel the Sun of Holy Spirit arising in your Being until its Cosmic Rays of Illumined Wisdom and Love flood not only your own Being, but all the Earth in a glorious Sunrise of Sacred Fire. See and feel the Sunrise arising from the tranquil “waters” of your own soul and of your collective group. The Light of God must manifest itself as Sacred Fire on this water planet and "I AM" here now to guide you, each one in becoming 'Bearers of the Flame', until the Earth is a Sea of Etheric Light.  

I shall welcome each of you to my Focus over Istanbul. This Etheric journey will be as if you proceeded into the Sun Itself. There is a tremendous vibration of Beauty manifest within this Retreat for your pleasure. There are principally feminine attendants to serve you, guide you and teach you. The Focus is situated over the ancient city of Istanbul, representative of the cross-roads between East and West. It is important that these cross-roads be bridged, as if balancing two-developing spheres of consciousness. Much Illumination and Love has been anchored on this Earth through Wise and Holy men and women through history but now there needs to be A UNITY OF MANY WISDOMS of the Earth into the One Illumined Wisdom of the Divine Love of the Ascended Masters. Come now into the embrace of the Divine Mind of God, the Mother of Love and find in yourself the true Disciple of Holy Spirit which you are to manifest in this embodiment soon.

I stand ready to meld my Spirit with your Arisen Christ, giving you a Baptism of Holy Spirit, bringing that magnificent Radiation to the foreground of your life, proving the Truth of love embodied, for all to see. Enfolding you in Sunrays of my Illumined Wisdom and Love Divine... “I AM”.

Sophia, Goddess of the Sun



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