Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

December 1986


Etheric Realm over the Ashram, Fort Salonga, New York

ELECTRONIC PATTERN: A Golden Lotus releasing a Radiance of Pink, Blue and Gold.

Sanat Kumara:

Beloved ones, have you thought on the gift of life? That beautiful life which flows to and through you FOR A PURPOSE, and that purpose, when constructive, is serving truly the Great White Brotherhood and is serving the ever-lasting expansion of the Light of the World; but, no one, not even the God "I AM" who made me and the God who made you, can interfere with that gift of life and with the blessings that are within it. You, as self-conscious individual chelas of light, take life, embodiment after embodiment, and have for eons of time, and use it as you so desire and the return energy of that life becomes either a happiness to you or a distress!

Oh, please think on the Mercy of God during this thirty-day period particularly during the Holy Season and endeavor, as much as you can, to allow the Gift of the Love and Light, held within the Violet Transmuting Flame to transmute the cause and core of all the life that you have used throughout this entire year, so you enter into the New Year with the full gratitude of freedom from destructive karma and you can proceed upon life's pathway home into the realms of the Eternal Light and know that you have with done life that which is beneficent in every respect and know that you have utilized your life magnetizing and focusing those Virtues of the Godhead, particularly which have affinity to your lifestream.

There is an affinity, each of you, with some God Virtue, whether it is Faith, Hope, or Charity whatever it may be and that is why you are in embodiment. In Shamballa, we always taught that Law to our Brotherhood; we gave them the understanding of the gifts of life and they, not knowing of discord of any kind, were enabled to see what they were to do with that life and they set about doing that which was their Father's business, fulfilling their Divine Plan quickly and hastening back for a new assignment. That need not be the Divine Plan any longer for you. You will complete drawing in this embodiment those Virtues which will last long after you have gone to your Divine reward and become Pillars of Light, even as a Pillar of Light stands where the previous Buddha (Lord Gautama) had his period of enlightenment.

Shamballa itself is a magnificent Focus. During this thirty-day period, particularly.... which is the Holy Season of the Divine Beings, they bring all their full gathered Cosmic Momentum. That Spirit of Shamballa is directly concerned with your hearts, each and every one of you, directed through you to give a Cosmic, Blessing to Life Eternal. Through projected consciousness entering into the Heart of Shamballa and return into your own orbits, absorbing and disseminating particularly that gift with which I have been endowed of PATIENT LOVE, for so many ages of time, that patient Love until Lord Gautama himself, from within his own beating heart, expanded enough Light to allow me the freedom to return to my Star.

Can you have that patient love, one for another, and for all life wherever it may be? Yes because it is my Life and it is qualified and my Life I give you, having no restrictions upon the gift of that Life. It comes into my heart, into your hearts, with all the gratitude of my Being just as you say my name, think upon me or think upon Shamballa. Of course the out-pouring of the Gifts of Shamballa are so manifold in expression that you would have to visit there in person to know all those gifts but you can feel, wherever you are, the radiance of Shamballa and of the Love of Gautama, Lord of the World. You can feel the Love of myself, Lord Maitreya and Lady Venus and all her people too... for we offer all that to the children of Earth who endeavor to bring Light to this blessed planet.

What more, blessed ones, can you do than receive and give of the Love for Life, illumined by the Light of Lord Gautama into your precious worlds! Beloved ones, you use so little of the Gift of Life, so little of the Breath, that rhythmic breath, which is the very essence of balance except in your actual exercises. Through that magnificent rhythmic breath, breathing it into your vehicles, absorbing it there, expanding it and projecting it to all the world, not just in class, but all throughout your entire waking hours and asking your Holy Christ Self to continue through your physical body while that body sleeps, you will have the sense of rhythmic balance, vitality and Light. We have repeated this, yes, true oft before but again we call with all the power of our Beings that you will be CHARGED with the reality of that POWER of the Balanced Breath. In early Golden Ages, beloved one, the people walked with rhythm, talked with rhythm and that is how natural precipitation came unto them, as well as the natural power of etherealization. Those were the Gifts that were natural powers of being because of the control of breath and the expansion of Love and Light through its mighty gifts.

Now we come again to the end of this year. We come again to the beginning of a new cycle. We come again into the Heart of Shamballa. We visualize there the magnificent Lord Gautama, as he sits so often within the Pink and Gold and Blue Flame, receiving the gifts and harvest of each person during the year, giving forth from that the blessings and benediction of his own radiation. All of the blessed ones who are the glorious Power of Shamballa are part of his court. Lord Gautama, beloved one, receiving as you have since the 30th of November (Humankind's Harvest) the gifts and Harvest of Humanity, I send to you my gratitude and my Love, bowing before your Light which has given me my freedom, asking if you will give the blessing and benediction of your Love and Light to these precious chelas?

Lord Gautama:

 "I AM" just One among the many who have loved God and my fellow man and all that is and that Love for some reason the Great Cosmic Law has chosen that I become the Lord of this great World. It is a beautiful World and all of its peoples, all living things. I see it as the Angels see it and the Harvest of the World is beyond description; the Harvest of the Angels, the Harvest of the Elementals, the Harvest of human kind and the Harvest of the chelas, giving blessings and benediction. I receive it and give it to them with my Love and my blessed Life. “I AM” grateful that each and everyone of them are, in truth, a Light bearer, carrying the magnificent gifts of the Light with me, wherever I look, in whatsoever vicinity, there I say is the Light of the World. Oh surely it may be glossed over temporarily by human effluvia of one type or another, but thank God that effluvia is not Eternal; thank God within the Holy Christ Flame is enough power to accelerate that Light and set it free and to that Light, I too... even as you... do bow.

Sanat Kumara:

Thank You, Beloved Gautama, even for a word from your precious heart. We thank you for cognizing Life within each and everyone and we, too join with you in our desire to expand and forever expand the Light of this world, making of it a beautiful Star of Freedom, making it a magnificent place where everything that has been limited and distressed is freed new... TODAY ACCEPT IT!

I, Sanat Kumara, with the authority and by the rod and power of my own kingdom and that of Lady Venus touch you, each and everyone, on the head and throat and heart with my Love which does EXPAND. Accept it, beloved ones, for in that acceptance is your Freedom. In that acceptance is your God Design and your God Courtesy; your God Patience and your God Love.

From Lord Gautama and all of us here assembled... to all of you we send the gratitude of the Great White Brotherhood that you too are part of that Brotherhood, part of the Spirit of Shamballa... Thank You.



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