Easter Conference

Lord Gautama

Shamballa, Long Island, New York

April 4th, 1985

Come into the embrace of all Light, My dear co-servers.

What a glorious day this is, truly a Holy Thursday. Holy in the sense that you have entered deep within your own being where abides all Light. And the Great Helios and Vesta are shining Their radiance upon this planet earth joining with the Light that is going forth from your beings to encompass this sweet planet.

A beautiful day it is and I welcome you, each dear, patient, loving, striving heart for your efforts through the years, which are now showing great promise. Never rest on your laurels. Take each day as the ever present Now. Now is the time, this very instant, to send forth the Light which you are.

In that throne room of your being, kneel always to the great All Pervading Presence of the Father-Mother God, of which you certainly are a cell. Is it not glorious to come to this period of your life after wondering and wondering; "Shall I do this, shall I do that"? You have straightened your spines and walked forward in the path of light for which the Hierarchy are truly grateful, as you surely know. For in your beings you feel that pulsation, the one pulsation of the Father-Mother God.

Oh Children, what a great, great privilege it is for Us to stand here and say to you, you are truly co-servers in the Light, carrying the banner of Freedom wherever you go. Joining with the Light vibration which is becoming very predominant on this earth for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. And in the feeling world of many people that you meet "I AM" sure you notice a difference in their response to your presence. Sometimes just a smile raises the vibratory action of your co-server on this planet; helping them in what might have been a weary day, they having not entered deeply into The Oneness of Being.

Oneness is truly what We are all striving for; striving to help every fellow traveler, every elemental, all the kingdoms to raise higher ever higher in their vibratory action. Feel the Love, feel the Light of the mighty Helios and Vesta embracing you as though They were putting a mantle of Golden Light about your shoulders. Feel it children, feel it.

We know these classes are going to show great promise. Each day the Light increasing and you started off very well, building a firm foundation. Each day I counsel you to be very, very careful of your feeling worlds, and know that the foundation must be firm at all times and I feel sure, as do all the Hierarchy, for whom I speak, that at the conclusion of these classes you will say ..."I AM so grateful; I AM so grateful; I AM so grateful I listened to the presence within telling me, prompting me, to go forward, to go forward on the Path of Light."

Every radiation is going forth this day from all the Suns of the systems Who are beaming Their Light onto this planet blessing, blessing all life, as I do now. And bowing to the Light of all Life, I thank you for your attention. God Bless You.

Lord Gautama 

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May 1st-Wednesday                              Saint Germain's Ascension

May 8th- Wednesday                       Lord Gautama's Enlightenment

May 12th -Sunday                                                     Mother's Day

May  4th - Tuesday                                                Wesak Festival

May 16th - Thursday                      Ascension Day (Master Jesus)

May 26th - Sunday                                                         Pentecost




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