Assimilation and Expansion

of the Electronic Pattern

May 1985



Etheric Realm over Mount Fujiyama, Japan

ELECTRONIC PATTERN: From the one Eternal River of Freedom's Holy Light, a gentle waterfall of blazing Violet Fire flowing into a pool of Golden Radiance.

Lord Kamakura

Beloved co-servers manifesting God's Freedom in embodiment, Greetings. Come join with Us in the Golden Silence of Divine Consciousness, Whose Presence descends into humanity so profoundly in the mystic month of May. Here at Fujiyama there is tangible Peace that pervades the atmosphere, a continual REVERENCE FOR ALL LIFE that flows out from the aura of the Brothers and Sisters of this Focus. Every aspect of Temple Life is an expression of Grace.

Every movement is an act of Beauty; every service is an act of Sublimation; every deed is an act of Ceremony; every moment is a prayer, a moment with God.

This month in particular, the Masters, Initiates and Monks of this Retreat are serenely happy, having great expectancy and joy at the thought of being joined in service, in meditation and in actual presence by embodied chelas of the Spiritual Hierarchy from around the planet. This Radiation of Serenity and Happiness here at Fujiyama is constant for It comes from the balancing of Our Individual energies, especially within the physical atmosphere of the Earth, for We are free to sojourn in the Higher Realms as well.

This personal balancing of all energies is the root of happiness each seeks on this planet, for whenever one steps out of balance in any direction, there is set up the requirement for an equal and opposite experience that will rebalance the person, returning a state of inner happiness. This experience will be sought after fervently, often irrationally, almost like an addiction, for the person's inner life will constantly demand it and will not be at peace until it is found.

Sometimes, after a major transgression, the rebalancing circumstances are not found for several embodiments, leaving the developing soul in a chronic state of unhappiness. Thus you see why We council you to remain at the center of your Flame, proceeding with great patience and contemplation before acting on any prompting, measuring it first against the vibration of Harmony within the Flame of "I AM" in the heart. With this mastered, you would then join Us permanently in Our State of eternal Happiness and Serenity.

Even Our joy is expanded this month because of the long awaited outpouring of the Amida Buddha through Our Focus, an outpouring to which the chelas can consciously attune, thus bridging the chasm, of consciousness into the life of humankind on Earth, allowing Our Focus much greater opportunity of Service in freeing this planet in consciousness.

Our combined Service of the Violet and Golden Rays are perfectly expressed within the Amida Buddha. The Energies of this Great One fully express the WISDOM within the Violet Fire, as well as Its great Power and infinite Love in liberating this planet. This Wisdom has been flowing into your consciousness during your long years of using the Violet Fire. Now however, there is an opportunity to fully unleash the God Illumination within the Seventh Ray into prepared chelas, into your outer consciousness, like cascading waters washing through your fettered souls, liberating the Light locked away for centuries.

My Service to life has been one of understanding the nature of life on this planet. Now it is My Service, as well, to teach chelas the Wisdom nature of the Seventh Ray, for soon the two shall be one...... the nature of life on this planet becoming the nature of the Seventh Ray. As the inner nature of all life on this planet slowly accepts the liberating power of Violet Fire, human nature will steadily be transformed into Divine Nature.

Each chela who travels in consciousness to Our Temple shall become immersed in the essential nature of the Violet Ray, understanding It as the bridge to Freedom in consciousness for this planet. Whenever the Spiritual Hierarchy convenes to formulate the ways and means of evolving the race towards this Freedom, the consensus is always that concrete examples of Spiritual Freedom are a much better method than further revealing the consequences of misuse, for Karmic Law is perpetually in action at any rate and humanity is already burdened by world-wide fears of demise and destruction.

Hence, the Hierarchy constantly returns Our attention to Our chelas, Our great opportunity to attract man back to the Truth of Spiritual Life, living the Law of Love that generates Freedom, instead of fear and imprisonment. The Karmic Board and the Lord of the World hold much karma in abeyance awaiting the development of Our chelas, the true Sons and Daughters of the Seventh Ray, so they can guide the planet and its races through the final planetary cleansing and spiritual awakening.

In this Light of Freedom shall be revealed the Priests and Priestesses of the Flame, the Buddhas of Enlightenment, the Christ Selves grown to full stature and manifest through the flesh, the Disciples of Holy Spirit, the Children of the Fire Mist!...... all of which is God's Will for true Ascended Master chelaship, for those who have been made ready by the transmutation of their human nature through purifying Sacred Fires.

Toward this end, your Illumination this month shall be tangible in the awakening of your Soul Light. This shall be a service of anchoring into the physical realm the expanded radiation of the Seventh Ray, so evident in the ethers around this planet, amplified there by the Cosmic Rays of the Amida Buddha. How could you longer view yourselves as victims of earthly circumstance or physical law when Spiritual Freedom, Love's first Cause and Its final effect, is brimming out of your mind, your feelings and out of every cell of your body?

This Illumination is a forceful experience that even the most stubborn human nature cannot ignore nor even resist, as long as the real motive is a desire for a humbling enlightenment before a greater Power; having eluded, the subtle variations of human ego and spiritual pride. This descent of God Illumination is inherent in the mystic month of May and We at this Temple are affiliated with all the activities of May accentuating the descent of Divine Consciousness; especially in reawakening the potential Buddha of Freedom in each of you. I bow now to the Presence of the Sponsor of 1985, our Lady Sengen Sama.

Lady Sengen Sama

At the Fire core of your Beings you constitute the eternal affirmations of beauty, gentleness and power that the God-Parents created in order to fill Their universe with all the wondrous expressions of the Light of "I AM". In the Temple of Transmutation at Fuji, We live to see your outer nature transfigured into this True Self, ending forever the lonely trek of separateness in human consciousness. Come to Our Gardens of Freedom which the Sisters at Fuji have created especially for you this month. As you are aware, the Ladies of the Light Who Serve with Me represent the simple Truth that beauty, gentleness and grace are a manifestation of the power within "I AM" Consciousness. These same qualities cultivated in your outer nature will do much to convince your consciousness of the power within the Light of "I AM" blazing at your heart center, which brings true Freedom. This in turn sustains a lasting Peace, which stills the mind and heals the ills of body and soul.

The Electronic Pattern this month symbolizes Our endeavors and will be a powerful experience for the chela. These Electronic Patterns from month to month represent Our ability to work with formless, electronic, free-flowing Light and create out of this Eternal Substance something which humanity can respond to in forwarding his transformation into the Light.

Visualize the Limitless River of Freedom's Holy Light coursing through the endless spiritual Realms, channeled toward Earth through the Amida Buddha, functioning as the Son of Freedom to this planet. From this great expanding Force, We have guided a flow of Violet Fire to manifest as a waterfall of Freedom, gliding into a pool of sparkling Golden Light, surrounded by Oriental Gardens of exquisite manifestations of beauty, grace, serenity and simplicity.

A most wondrous mystery of this manifestation is that each one who is brought here in consciousness will experience it as if he is in the physical body. As well, although many will come, each will experience it as if he is alone in solitude with God’s great Silence and profound Peace. Each will stand in the pool of Light under the waterfall of Freedom, feeling the powerful yet delicate God-Force washing through him, transmuting the imprisoning human consciousness.

Each will feel the Fires of Eternal Life passing through his body, liberating his Divine Nature and each will then know "I AM". Each will be invited to sojourn in meditation in the Gardens of Peace. And even the most busy of men will feel a deep quietude sustained in his outer consciousness. This tremendous project involves not only the chelas, but each and every one of humankind for each is precious in the Compassionate Heart of the great Mother. Much of the race will be brought in groups, but each one will stand alone and feel the Force of Freedom and God Illumination within the Seventh Ray, charging through this Forcefield.

Blessed disciples of Divinity, you above all must come to know the continuous experience of Spiritual Freedom. We here at Fuji live, move and breathe It and are so desirous of you joining Us permanently in this Consciousness. From the Amida Buddha, the currents of Spiritual Freedom flow strongly through the etheric atmosphere of Earth. The chela must now unfurl his consciousness into these currents and glide serenely to the shores of the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light. We serve here to see that each and every one of humanity eventually reaches the Promised Land.

As a Sponsor for this year, "I AM " responsible for certain plans of the Spiritual Hierarchy in forwarding the planet in vibration through 1985. Thus I ask you to deeply embrace the descent of God energies within the Holy days of May and throughout the opening of Our Retreat. There is a Cosmic opportunity to energize and expand the Christ, the Buddha and the Holy Spirit within each of you and within all humankind. To this end I enfold you in the gentle, delicate power of Freedom, which "I AM".

Lady Sengen Sama


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