Caracas, Venezuela, South America

The Ascended Master

Saint Germain

November 22, 1984

In the Holy Unity of Oneness, I AM here this evening to bring to you my deep gratitude for the momentum of the Violet Fire which you have built through the years. The quality of your love is so evident when we feel you turn your attention to the service of the Violet Fire. The Radiation of your love is expanding from your Beings in a magnificent display of Violet Essence in hues of indescribable BEAUTY.  

As your attention is upon this activity of the Seventh Ray, the Holy Light of Mercy and Compassion is rising and encompassing all. Not only this area, but the whole of South America. At this moment an amplification of Transmutation is taking place, particularly in the Rivers and Jungles of the Amazon Basin. This presents an outstanding activity of the loving service of the Sacred Fire. The Sacred Fire is at this moment gathering within its embrace every elemental upon whom humanity has imposed imperfection through the centuries. We, of the Spiritual Hierarchy, can see the pinpoints of Light increasing and increasing, and then expanding as the Flame of Gratitude flows from our co-servers in the physical realm. Remember that each such cell is part of "I AM", and the happiness engendered is a joy to behold! I SEE and I FEEL the Light of the component cells in your beings embracing your brothers and sisters in a manner that might be termed as "A SPIRITUAL RE-UNION" in the Consciousness of "I AM".

I appeal to you to accept and feel the Oneness of the Violet Fire as It expands and blesses all who are returning to the "Homeland". It is a celebration of a magnitude not heretofore expressed.

In the gentleness of deep Love, I bow to the Light of "I AM" I bow to the Light of "I AM" in the minutest elemental, in the great Angels, the Deva-Rajahs, the Stars, the Moon and its effulgent Light, and in all that IS. The Sacred Violet Fire is active everywhere and caresses, transmutes and holds all in the HEART OF LOVE, "I AM".

At this Sacred Festival of Light, Thanksgiving, all life on this Planet is experiencing an exhilaration which will become an all pervading action in the great Spectrum of Light, which is the over-all Consciousness of "I AM".

Over the last few years, a tremendous acceleration of the vibratory action of your Beings has taken place through your obedience to the Truths that we have presented.  

In conclusion, remember "I AM" here, "I AM" there, “I AM” everywhere, in the very center of your individual Beings, ready to love life free, and in Oneness we shall proceed to fulfill the Edict of the Cosmic Law for the REGENERATION OF THE HUMAN FAMILY.

Beloved of the Light, ACCEPT, oh ACCEPT the world encompassing Purification which is taking place and which shall continue to take place as you accept the Regeneration of ALL LIFE, EVERYWHERE, for the acceptance of the Healing Power of Living, Loving Truth shall set all FREE... in the Light of Oneness,

Your Friend,

Saint Germain



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