
Master Kuthumi

Shamballa, Long Island, New York

December 19, 1983

Dear students of the One Eternal Law:

The Reality of The New Age Church of The Christ is twofold in nature. It is both the Fourth Dimensional Consciousness of God which expresses as Energy, Vibration and Consciousness, as well as the third dimensional vehicle for this Truth expressing as an organization, with the printed Word, group meetings, ceremonious worship, and individual efforts of varied personalities.

I bring this to your attention for as I review the chelas' progress in My Office as World Teacher, I perceive periodic conflict in certain chelas with the third dimensional aspect of the Activity. I almost smile when I see this for I remember so well the difficulty I had as Francis of Assisi trying to anchor the God Reality I had come to KNOW IN SPIRIT into an organization of Brothers, through a policy of certain rules of conduct and worship, while obeying all the laws of the Mother Church and society in general as it was known at that time.

And this duality will continue to afflict God's co-servers on the planet ¾ until the great leap in consciousness where God Illumination will allow all involved to more readily attune only to the Essence of God in all things. In the meantime (which could be quite short) when any chela or student has difficulty in one or other of their vehicles with the third dimensional aspect of the Activity (organization, personality, or the form of certain endeavors) I deeply encourage you to focus your attention again only on the Fourth Dimensional Essence of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of the Truth being channeled through this Activity.

For I can assure you as World Teacher that whatever "temporary problem" any of you have with the third dimensional aspect of it, this Activity, made up of all the dedicated chelas, is anchoring a tremendous force of God Consciousness and Truth into this planet, its planes and its kingdoms.

The eventual victory of this Activity's Divine Plan can only ever be measured or appreciated as an energy, vibration or consciousness and not in the third dimensional measurement of numbers, of people, publications, finances, etc. Yet these things of the physical plane are very important for they are the cup or the avenue through which We can reach the outer consciousness of humanity with the Truth. But let us never lose track of that which is the Cup and that which fills the Cup from On High.

The starving souls of men require that spiritual nourishment of God's Holy Energy and Vibration and each of you can instantly be the Cup for the Holy Food of our Father-Mother God. This is done by simply living up to the vibration of the Harmony of your own TRUE BEING ----- for one person in need or a nation in need. And THAT is the Reality of The New Age Church of The Christ, the re-emergence of Christ Consciousness on this planet through Christed souls for the good of the whole. The New Age Church of The Christ is a Consciousness more than It is a "thing".

A short message from the World Teacher to remind My co-servers on the physical plane of the Essence of the Work being done and to help in disallowing the distraction of the third dimensional world (even though it has to do with spiritual service) from diverting you from that Essence.

Lovingly and fraternally,



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