On Shasta

Saint Germain

June 25, 1983

Beloved Friends of the Light, "I AM" One with Ascended Master Consciousness of pure Light and Love. I see you have ascended the mountain with such effort in the physical realm; it is so much easier to ascend in Consciousness to meet with us. At the same time, We are grateful when chelas travel to our Mountain Retreats. The purpose of us storing our radiation in the mountains is to protect it from the bombardment of human consciousness.

It reminds me of human beings building shelters in attempts to protect them from the fall-out of war. There is certainly a force of human consciousness that would continually bombard our perfected Energies as we anchor them into the physical planet, and therefore we shelter them within mountains; and as you have been told, the mountain is simply a physical vibration of protection... generally far from the maddening crowd but shielded in rocks, jewels and metals of certain variety (often gold) that sustains Vibration where pure Ascended Master Energies can secure physical anchorage and radiate into the world of form.

Put your attention for a moment please on the mountain upon which you sit. In the very center, somewhat deeper than you might expect, is the Flame Room here at Shasta. It is rather similar to the Teton with a large, central coliseum or amphitheater with the Flame blazing at one end, representing a Treasury of Ascended Master Energies.

The Flame is spiraling and seems to be quite large in comparison to what you might think a Flame on an Altar normally is. Feel my Light enfold you now as we proceed in consciousness into the Flame Room... until we draw to within a safe distance from that Flame, with its principal colors of blue and pink. Other shades of the Seven Rays intermingle in soft, pastel colors, yet jeweled in their Radiance and powerful in their Energies.

It is basically pink and blue, for it represents the storehouse of masculine and feminine God Energies that have been developed through the entire Body of the Great White Brotherhood and stored here for posterity, to be called upon both in the work of the Brotherhood and through their appointed chelas and co-servers in the world of form, whom we know we can trust.

As we sojourn here, in the Flame Room, feel the power within the very mountain itself as has been described in the Tetons... a certain throbbing Energy; for the entire physical mountain is alive with the Ascended Masters Energies that gleam off the self-luminous walls, ceilings and floors, furniture and the bodies — the Light Bodies  — of the Angels, Devas, Ascended and Cosmic Beings, and even other unascended students here in their finer bodies. Feel the Power and the Will that the Great White Brotherhood have here at Mount Shasta, of continually assisting the evolution of the Race to higher and higher realms of Consciousness, eventually all to meld with pure "I AM" Consciousness.

Shasta is the sister retreat of the home of the Great White Brotherhood in the Tetons, and there followed with you in your journey yesterday from Teton a beautiful Bridge of Golden Light — for if the principal colors here are pink and blue, representing the Storehouse of Energy of the masculine and feminine qualities of the brotherhood, it is balanced by the Golden Flame of Illumination from the Tetons in the correct use of this Energy according to the plans of the Great White Brotherhood and the Karmic Board.

The same holds for your own individual lives... that as you come to know the storehouse of your own Spiritual Strength, in both masculine and feminine qualities, it is in putting those to use (sometimes even by trial and error) that the Golden Flame of Illumination, Understanding and Wisdom is developed. And as you are aware, or soon shall be, for the month that the Teton is open, we shall be drawing forth the essence of the Golden Man in the use of your own Perfected Energies, your own "battery" of Ascended Master Energies that you have developed through time that lie dormant (for the most part) in your Causal Body. It is in drawing forth the Golden Man to use those Energies constructively, which shall be the training when the Royal Teton is open in the month of July, 1983.

Let us look again at the Omnipresent Flame. Gradually we realize the furniture upon which we sit, here in the Great Hall, is alive with the same Light that is coming from that Flame, yet from the Flame it is even more intense. Gradually we realize that all the so-called form which your eyes can detect is nothing but the Light, the same Light that is in that Flame, temporarily taking form.

Again, feel my Ascended Master Presence enfold you as we meditate upon the Flame of God Qualities, Pure Ascended Master Light, here at Shasta. Feel the Love of all the countless Beings of the Great White Brotherhood who have served century after century in raising this planet out of a dark, dark period... for we stand on the threshold now of a Permanent Light for this planet that in the next short Cosmic Moment of Time shall see flourish a Race of humanity created only on the principles of this same Oneness of Light . . .

And the Way to that Light is through the Golden Man, through the Golden Flame of Christ Consciousness using the gifts of your Father-God and of your Mother-God in Perfect Balance, developing the true Son of God. And as we contemplate for a few more moments within the forcefield here at Shasta... feel the Flame responding — "I AM" One with thee — You are One with me... "I AM"... "I AM" our Victory. (Pause)

Now, as I always did with beloved Godfre, I shall escort you back within your physical bodies seated upon the mountain. Oh how well aware "I AM" that when those of the chelas read the experiences of beloved Godfre with myself and other great ones on this mountain, there is always wonder of how such things could have taken place.

It happened in Consciousness, very similarly to how it is happening today - except with Mr. Ballard, we granted him an extraordinary etheric memory so that he could begin the "I AM" Activity with a set of published books that were verbatim from the Akashic Records of his visits in and out of the Ascended Master Retreats. . . . but, dear chelas, call upon your own etheric memory to make this as real for you as you feel it was for the spiritual pioneers before you... for so it is — all according to your acceptance.

And if in contemplation, you can feel the Reality of my Being interpenetrating yours, and that we are One in the same Light, then truly have you been with an Ascended Master, and in an Ascended Master Retreat, and yet here you are in physical bodies. And is that not what we are planning for the Race to evolve into, Communion with the Gods?

Oh, how I love to teach those of you whose hearts welcome me as he who is responsible for the direction of the Golden Age upon this planet. I leave you now and shall visit soon with you again at the Summer Conference, when I shall give forth more of the Divine Aspects of my own Being to further the work of the Golden Age upon this planet. Until then I leave you on this Sacred Mountain as a friend whom you have known as Saint Germain.

Good Morning!

Saint Germain




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