Divine Principles

Beloved Meta

March 12, 1967


The real purpose of my visit is to alert you to the added privilege which is yours when you direct your attention to the Sacred Heart Temple which is the Center of specific activities as the lifestreams taking embodiment on Earth for the ensuing twelve month period will prepare for and receive special instruction under the able direction of Beloved Mother Mary, during the month of May.

You are aware that the Goddess of Mercy, Kwan Yin and my humble self assist in this activity and during May I shall remain in the atmosphere of Earth for the entire period. Now, you know that my home is on Venus. It is our desire to inform you that this year the representative from Uranus is the perfected and beautiful Lady Candida. Why do I acquaint you with her presence in the Temple?

For the reason that a perfected Being from Uranus is going to make the sacrifice of donning a flesh garment on Earth to further assist in attuning the peoples of Earth to the Radiation of Uranus.

The bands of forgetfulness which this child will wear will be loosely wrapped round its consciousness, and by the time the child has reached the age of 7, they will have been removed through the Illumined Consciousness which will express through its Being in the world of form. Yes, before that time has approached, the child will be able to make its presence known to the parents chosen to give the earthly garment.

Why do we impart this information to you instead of enfolding the advent in a cloak of secrecy? You can be sure the child will be carefully guarded, for after the appearance on Earth, one or both of the parents will be apprised of the holy privilege, which naturally they will cherish, and in humility keep within their hearts.

And, it is our earnest plea that you will make calls for the entrance, in safety, of the embodying child. Now, just how many of you have been making protective calls for the Seventh Root Race Children who took embodiment in 1963?

Some of you did not accept this fact, but that is beside the point. It has always been necessary for the vanguards to come forth so the actual radiation of a race could be imbedded in the substance of Earth through their physical presence, and the Radiation which could be released by the Manu, in this instance, the mighty Lord Saithrhu.

Yes, their inner vehicles are well guarded by an invisible wall of protection created for this specific purpose. It is the physical garment in this case which requires protection, in order that they may remain on Earth until such time, at least, as the Planet is prepared to receive the Seventh Root Race.

Although some of you are well advanced in years, as time is reckoned on Earth, it does not seem such a lengthy sojourn. Particularly do I remember being present when the lifestreams who were originally from Venus came to Earth in this embodiment to complete their final course on this Planet.

You can be sure I personally enfolded each of you in my loving embrace, whispering a prayer that you would remember your dedicated service and would be able to stand revealed, in dignity, when the Karmic Board summoned you to come Home. All the Beings from other Planets who come to the Sacred Heart Temple to assist their own evolutions, feel the same tenderness which is the responsibility of those of us endeavoring to help the volunteers from our respective Planets.

To those who may wonder if all the Beings engaged in this Service at the Sacred Heart Temple are Feminine. No, but all embody the nurturing Feminine Quality of Feeling Nature, for that is the radiation of the Mother Aspect of Divinity which is necessary.

The present and beloved Maha Chohan, Paul, plays a prominent role in the sending forth of the embodying Spirits and their entrance on the Planet Earth, where each receives the Sustaining Breath for life thereon. Beloved Holy Ĉolus, who has rendered, and is continuing to do so, the over-seeing Activity of the Sacred Essence of Prana is a most comforting and protecting Supervisor of the incarnating Spirits. The Great Archangel Raphael, Divine Complement of Mother Mary, comes to the Temple to consecrate the lifestreams privileged to take embodiment.

I love you and bless you with the Divine Love and Beauty of all upon the Planet Venus, and please know that "I AM" as close to you as your attention permits.

Your Sister in the Light
