Easter Class

Beloved Lord Neptune

Shamballa - Long Island - New York

April 2, 1983

Evening Service

Blessed ones, stationed above this magnificent Sanctuary is my beloved brother Lord Surya, with beautiful pastel shades of Cosmic Peace radiating from his vehicle. His service to Life and Mine are inextricably linked for I AM Neptune, Hierarch of the Emotional Element for this planet. Please be seated.

Today, I have a physical voice through which to reach your ears. Yet I ask again as you did yesterday, to reach to me with your feelings for I AM surely communicating with you in radiation above all else. Have you ever noticed when the feelings are out of line, out of balance, that talking to them does little good. It is in radiating to the feelings where Victory lies.

I am more familiar with your feeling worlds than you may realize, for the undines that make up those feelings are part of my kingdom. They are truly my children. The purpose of this day (as your outer minds have been attuned to) is an healing of the actual emotional fabric of the planet using your emotional vehicles as the chalice through which it shall be accomplished. And beautifully attuned are they, so that I may step in to my children, the undines, the elemental beings within your emotional worlds, who are, in your parlance "alive, alert, awake and active" to do My bidding this morning. They are my children.

They are loaned to you from Lady Lunara and myself so that you might experience feelings while in embodiment. They have served you and unfortunately in that service have been commanded into unpleasant situations from time to time. That is what we are here to do this morning, to heal the great rifts in the emotional pattern of the planet.

You were appraised during the outpouring of Lord Surya of the tremendous fear that was unleashed in the emotional planes of this planet when Lemuria sank and that that scar requires healing before this planet can make its orbital shift upwards. I AM responsible for a great deal of that healing since it is my fabric of the emotional element of water, the undines, where the rift has taken place. And from those earlier times great numbers of the Fourth Root Race were in some sense or other trapped in their evolution because of that one great scar.

You have also been appraised that our Lord Himalaya some years ago folded his cloaks about him and removed himself from the immediate atmosphere of the planet Earth.

You know, the Fourth Root Race, came into embodiment along the Ray of Peace, anchored at the Heart Center of the Temple of Peace of Lord Surya. Therefore, this brother cannot move along in Cosmic Evolution until the Fourth Root Race have been freed from their evolutionary path on this planet — a path that has been long and winding — much different from the original Plan of a straight and narrow Path directly into the Ascension. We have all, myself included, learned great lessons about emotions, emotional contagion and emotions as they play through a race. It may surprise you that I have been learning about my own element during my sojourn with this planet Earth . . . Everyone's evolution is endless. Learning about the nature of God is endless..... infinite and above all joyful.

So I hope this morning with you that I have set the stage.... that through an outpouring of the great Devarajahs of the Undine Kingdom who are with me this morning and shall circle out in great spirals of Light from the Central Focus here at Shamballa, with mighty Seraphim of the Ascension Flame under the direction of Lord Serapis, Legions of the Cosmic Flame of Peace under the direction of Lord Surya, all under the enfolding protection of Lord Michael, the Archangel — Legions of Cosmic Protectors... We shall now seal in the name of God "I AM"— the rift in the emotional fabric of this planet.

And through your own sweet emotional selves, with the help of God Asclepius, Mighty Hilarion, Mother Mary, Angels and Legions of Healing and Peace, we seal now the emotional fabric of this planet in the LIGHT OF GOD THAT NEVER FAILS and the PEACE which surpasses the understanding of humankind but which heals the emotional self. As these Legions of Angels go forth feel the body of Lady Virgo: feel the body of Lady Lunara.... responding to the healing. Feel the emotional selves of those members of the Fourth Root Race which with this healing may have a Resurrection tomorrow morning and go forward in their own evolution from this planet under the auspices of God Himalaya.

Feel the emotional fabric and the actual undines of every man, woman and child currently in embodiment... and that with this Easter outpouring, with the mind of Christians on the Risen and Perfected Form of the Master Jesus, that we shall have the Risen and Perfected Form and essence of their own emotional vehicles — no longer entwined in the great emotional scar. Where fear has ruled - - - NOW SHALL LOVE!   (pause).

It is in this stillness, dear ones, where the actual healing of your own emotional and physical vehicles is taking place. We hope for each of you and all those attuned here by the ties of Light, the full Resurrection of your own emotional selves into all the glorious God qualities that long to play through your feelings.

Oh if you could know the JOY that is felt in my temple where undines are trained to carry forth the God qualities into the feeling world of humanity and express them there, so that humanity in his evolution of Mastery may have the gift of feeling, of propelling Life into manifestation. And when fear and the great scar of fear is forever removed from the emotional fabric of this planet.... and there is great hope, HOPE THAT THIS SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED TOMORROW.... the God qualities that shall play through your vehicles will have made it all worth while. And I speak to the children of my Heart in your own emotional vehicles: "dear ones stay attuned to me, for ‘I AM' the Resurrection and Life of the Perfected Emotional Nature of this planet through its emotional element — Water". Water everywhere hear my words! — as the radiation goes forth from the stilled purified emotional vehicles here gathered — to the Water Element everywhere — the great oceans, seas, lakes, rivers; the great ocean of the emotional planes around this planet; the great sea of emotional world around every human being - - PEACE - - BE STILL and know that the God of Love shall resurrect its glory in the emotional fabric of this planet on Resurrection Morn!

In the name of mighty Lunara and of my humble self,

Neptune ....... IT IS DONE! Good Morning. 




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